Your body may not be absorbing your supplements: Expert tips to change that | Life

Your body may not be absorbing your supplements: Expert tips to change that | Life

Get the most out of your supplements with these expert tips.

Our bodies are incredible machines, finely tuned to absorb the nutrients we need for optimal functioning. However, not all vitamins are created equal, and our bodies absorb them differently. Natalie Gerhardt shares tips for getting the most out of your supplements, including which vitamins to take with food and which to take with water.

Do you find yourself navigating the maze of wellness trends and supplements, hoping to unlock a healthier, more vibrant life? As we know, our body’s ability to produce all the micronutrients we need is limited. We rely heavily on our diet to ensure we get what we need. But in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world, we often need to turn to supplementing with vitamins, minerals and botanicals to ensure we get a properly balanced diet.

The supplement industry is big business, and the aisles at the pharmacy can be very overwhelming. It’s easy to believe that once you’ve chosen a supplement and found the best way to fit it into your daily routine, all will be well (literally). Especially if you’ve paid big bucks for the bottle. Sadly, this is not a given. 

Let’s look at a few useful things you probably didn’t know about supplement efficacy.

1. Your Body’s Unique Absorption Abilities

Our bodies are incredible machines, finely tuned to absorb the nutrients we need for optimal functioning. However, not all vitamins are created equal, and our bodies absorb them differently. Fat-soluble vitamins (like A, D, E, and K) are better absorbed when taken with dietary fat, while water-soluble vitamins (such as vitamin C and B vitamins) are best absorbed with water.

Understanding your body’s unique absorption abilities allows you to tailor your supplement routine for maximum benefit. Consider taking fat-soluble vitamins with a meal containing healthy fats and water-soluble vitamins with a glass of water to enhance absorption.

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2. The role of liposomes in absorption

Ever heard of liposomes? These microscopic spheres made up of phospholipids can significantly impact the absorption of certain nutrients. Liposomes act as protective bubbles, ferrying micronutrients through the digestive system to enhance absorption in the bloodstream.

For instance, liposomal vitamin C has been shown to have higher bioavailability compared to traditional vitamin C supplements. The liposomal encapsulation protects the vitamin from degradation in the digestive tract, ensuring more of it reaches the bloodstream intact. So, when looking for supplements, keep an eye out for those with liposomal technology for improved efficacy.

3. Quality matters more than quantity

It’s not just about the number of milligrams listed on the bottle; the quality of the ingredients matters, too. Some supplements may contain cheap, synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals that your body will likely struggle to absorb effectively.

Look out for high-quality, bioavailable forms of nutrients whenever possible. For example, choose vitamin D3 over D2 and look for magnesium citrate instead of magnesium oxide. Quality supplements may cost a bit more, but the increased absorption and benefits are well worth the investment in your long-term health.

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4. Timing is everything

Exactly when you take your supplements can impact their effectiveness. Some nutrients interact with each other, either enhancing or inhibiting absorption. For instance, calcium and iron compete for absorption, so it’s advisable not to take them together.

Dividing your supplements throughout the day can help optimise absorption. Additionally, consider taking certain vitamins at specific times for better results. Vitamin D is often better absorbed in the morning, while magnesium can be more effective when taken in the evening. Paying attention to the timing of your supplements can maximise their impact on your overall well-being.

5. Individual variations in absorption

Just as our bodies differ in size, shape, and metabolic rates, individual variations in nutrient absorption exist too. Factors such as age, genetics, and overall health can influence how well your body absorbs certain vitamins and minerals.

Regular health check-ups and consultations with healthcare professionals can help identify any specific deficiencies or absorption issues you may have. Tailoring your supplement regimen to your individual needs ensures you’re getting the right nutrients in the right amounts for your unique physiology. For example, if you are deficient in Vitamin C, it’s likely that your body won’t properly absorb your Iron supplement. Work with the professionals to ensure your body is in balance.

Understanding the nuances of your body’s nutrient absorption can unlock incredible potential in your supplement routine. So, the next time you hit the supplement aisle at Dischem or Clicks, give some thought to these tips and tricks. Feel empowered to make the best choices on your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you.

Natalie Gerhardt, BSc. Hons. in Biochemistry and Microbiology, is the managing director of Multichem Sourcing in South Africa.

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