Winter Hiking: Magical or Misery?

Winter Hiking: Magical or Misery?

Our desire to hibernate and stay at home, feeling comfortable in the middle of winter, is well expected. TO fast walk outdoors is the perfect remedy for being stuck at home.

The winter season is usually gloomy, peaceful and stunning. There may be fewer people on the trail, which means you’ll be able to see more wildlife. Plus, according to Dr. Stuart Harris, chief of the Division of Nature Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, it’s a fantastic opportunity to interact with the changing seasons and the living world around us. However, he points out that a hike of several kilometers in difficult, icy conditions is very different from a hike in a warm climate and calls for special attention to safety and health. Before taking a winter hike, keep the following in mind:

When hiking in winter, you need a totally different strategy, which is different from hiking during the summer season, and this is because the terrain is a little harder. However, it allows us to fully engage with the living environment around us. It is part of our long history.

Prioritizing safety is very important, especially when traveling with people of different ages and skill levels, such as older family members or young children. For everyone to have fun and be safe, it’s important to have the right equipment and mindset.

Make sure you are well prepared in advance, especially if you will be going with people of different fitness levels. Carefully prepare your itinerary.

Older or very young people are more susceptible to freezing temperatures, and winter hikes can be more physically demanding. “Winter conditions can be harder on the heart than a day with a perfect temperature,” explains Harris. Consider the physical limitations of each member of your group and allow them to guide your actions. The goal of exercise is to have fun, not to punish yourself. .

Dr. Harris suggests that you plan your route knowing the distance, elevation, and route. He should also check the local forecast for the hiking area and consider factors such as wind speed and cold. The weather can change drastically within an hour, especially at higher elevations, so be aware of what to expect in terms of temperature and precipitation.

Make sure you know if you’ll have access to emergency cell coverage if something goes wrong.

Never go on a hike without sharing your plans with someone. This is extremely important. If you are missing something or have an injury that affects you during your hike, the team can give you an idea of ​​where to start looking. Complete trailhead registrations so park rangers also know you are on the trail in case of an emergency.

To prevent hypothermia, a dangerously low body temperature, or frostbite, prepare for adverse weather conditions such as wind, rain, snow, or even freezing temperatures.

  • Put on layers of clothing. It is preferable to wear several thin layers of clothing rather than one thick layer. In direct sunlight, remove a layer when you feel hot. Wear layers that insulate and protect you from wind and moisture (a waterproof jacket). Dr. Harris says, “As they say, it’s not bad weather, it’s just inappropriate clothing.” Fill a backpack or backpack with some extra thermal clothing. I never go hiking without wearing appropriate clothing to adapt to changing conditions.
  • Protect your head, hands and feet.. You should wear a pair of gloves or mittens, a hat, a pair of thick gloves or mittens, and two pairs of socks. Bring dry spare parts. Boots should be waterproof and have a sturdy sole with good grip.
  • Use sunscreen. Did you know that you can still get sunburn in winter, especially in places where the sun’s glare reflects off the snow?
  • More food and drink. Walking in winter requires much more energy and burns many more calories than walking in summer. Bring nutrient-packed snacks, such as granola bars and vegetables, often including almonds, raisins, and dried fruit, to provide needed calories, fat, and protein. Maintaining adequate hydration is essential to maintaining a normal core temperature. Bonus points if, if you’re cold, you bring a hot drink in a thermos to warm you from the inside out.
  • Light source. Plan your hike to avoid being on the trail after dark. However, in case you get stuck, bring a light source. A flashlight or headlamp is pretty handy if you’re hiking anywhere, Harris says.
  • A phone, map, compass or GPS device is a must, along with extra batteries.. Avoid using your phone to track GPS; Make sure your phone is fully charged in case you need to contact someone right away. It is important to have the technology and skills to be able to navigate on and off the trail and have a means of external communication, especially if you are in a large, mixed group.

Winter walks can be fun and healthy, but be careful and prepare beforehand with the above in mind.

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