Whelan family faces uncertainty after Russia rejects deal

Whelan family faces uncertainty after Russia rejects deal

(NewsNation) – Paul Whelan, the former Marine who the US State Department says was him wrongfully imprisoned in Russia since 2018He has lost hope of ever returning home or that the new Russian leadership might change his circumstances, he said in a new letter.

“My parents are quite old and I have given up hope of seeing them again. Friends have moved on, relatives have died. The Russians ruined my life. One destined to end up in a slave labor camp filled with intolerable conditions for no other reason than hatred of human rights and freedoms,” he wrote from prison in a statement obtained by NewsNation.

Whelan’s statement comes to Russia on Tuesday rejected The Biden administration’s offer was aimed at securing the release of Whelan and the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovichwho has been imprisoned in Russia since March.

Paul Whelan’s brother, David Whelansaid this setback brings his family back to square one.

“Unfortunately, I think we are finding that the U.S. government is either not making concessions or moving so slowly that they are unable to resolve Paul’s deal,” he said. “So in this case we’re essentially back to December 28, 2018, with Paul, not knowing how long he’ll have to stay there – possibly even stay there the whole time.”

David Whelan added that he believes Paul is determined that the White House listen to him and act.

“This game of diplomatic niceties and pleasant dialogue must come to an end. The White House National Security Council and the State Department must take decisive action to secure my release.” President Biden, I have paid a heavy price for being an American citizen. A promise is a promise. The clock is ticking until this is done. Please take me home,” Paul Whelan wrote in the statement.

He added: “I was promised that the United States would come and get me. I hope this happens before it’s too late.”

Paul’s Whelan sister, Elizabeth Whelan, has requested a meeting with President Biden, but David Whelan said the White House has so far rejected that request.

“I think letting us know that they are actually engaged would go a long way. When President Biden says he’s not giving up, that there are concrete actions that they’re going to take, and that they’re not going to just wait another year and let those years pile up and let Paul’s life slip away,” said David Whelan.

Russian President Wladimir Putin has announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. He is expected to remain in office for another six years as many people are afraid of running against him.

David Whelan said this does not mean that anything will improve on the Russian side of this agreement, but it does not mean that the Kremlin cannot do deals.

“They were able to reach an agreement to publish it Brittney Griner. They were able to reach a release agreement Trevor Reed. So there’s no reason why they couldn’t release Paul Whelan too. But it will be necessary for the US government to take measures to make the necessary concessions for this,” he said.

Paul Whelan was attacked from a prisoner in November. During his pre-trial detention in Moscow, he had already suffered violence from a security guard, who was later reprimanded for it. He has also suffered verbal abuse in the labor camp where he is currently detained. However, this was the first physical attack he had suffered.

David Whelan said the attack had left Paul Whelan “shocked” and his family was concerned for his safety, and this attack may have given him a new target for future attacks.

“He has since been turned away by the deputy prison director for protection money. “So he’s in a situation where if he doesn’t pay for protection, he may be physically attacked again,” he explained.

He added: “It’s one of those things where you’re constantly in a state of constant vigilance because you never know when the next attack is coming. “I think there’s no way to maintain your sanity, sanity and situations like that .”

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