What to do to have a better day at work

What to do to have a better day at work

I heard a story about a nurse who recounted her experience of almost being involved in someone’s death. The person died naturally, but the doctor who came to see the patient became angry when the door did not open in time, accusing the staff of delaying him for 10 minutes. At first, he was rude to the nurse and demanded that she file a complaint. The nurse went to get the form and informed her manager of the situation. When the manager asked to speak to the doctor, he abruptly refused. The doctor’s behavior escalated to the point of calling the police, claiming that he suspected foul play in the death.

Contrary to the doctor’s claims, the nurse was not in the room when the resident died; She had just arrived for her shift when the family called her to check on the deceased. When police arrived, the doctor refused to return to the residence. They interviewed the nurse, but found no evidence of a crime. The deceased was expected to pass away that week and the family visited him regularly.

This incident nearly damaged the nurse’s career until it was determined that the person died of natural causes. The doctor’s anger at the 10-minute delay at the door caused unnecessary distress.

Before you go to work, remember that you will encounter people from diverse backgrounds. Avoid hastily judging them on their outward appearance or apparent goodness, as this can be superficial. Be mindful of your words and actions, focusing on your tasks. Honestly, in my opinion, genuine friendships are rare in work environments, especially in countries like the UK where people often smile as part of social decorum rather than a genuine connection.

Here are things to consider and goals to set that will contribute to a better day at work.

1. Pray before going to work. Many people underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer can prevent some evil plans that the devil may have laid against you. It serves as a shield against evil, and even if you are unaware of someone’s plans, prayer can ensure that they do not affect you. It covers you with the protection of the Lord, and even if you are present in unpleasant situations, it will be evident that you were not involved. The prayer invokes the protection of the blood of Jesus over you. Therefore, before starting your work day, pray and ask God to protect you from any bad intentions and ensure a peaceful day.

2. Set a word limit. While there are genuinely friendly people at work, there are also those who pretend and seek to implicate others. It may be helpful to set a goal for the number of words you speak. Although you may not count every word, you can achieve this by setting specific times during which you refrain from speaking. By doing so, you effectively keep your mouth shut, thus limiting the number of words and interactions.

3. Refrain from eating foods given to you by others.. I have been taught not to consume foods whose source I do not know. My mother always said, “The heart of man is evil and only God can understand it.” People come from diverse backgrounds and we don’t always know their intentions. It is essential to learn to politely decline offers of food to avoid possible harm from contaminated or cursed food. Despite outward appearances of goodness, people can harbor bad intentions.

4. Learn to sit alone during your break. While it is possible to form lasting friendships in the workplace, it is rare. The work environment is usually competitive and everyone looks out for themselves. So, choose a quieter area during breaks, put on your headphones, and focus on your food or interact with your phone. Remember, you had a life before you came to work.

5. Your coworkers are not your family. Refrain from sharing personal problems with them. Talking about personal matters can be harmful as it can be used against you. Maintain self-control, remembering that work is work and home is home.

6. Filter your opinions. While honesty is valued, exercise wisdom and diplomacy in expressing your views. Avoid making enemies by refraining from expressing negative opinions. If you are dissatisfied with your job, consider looking for another job rather than fostering animosity in the workplace.

7. Be polite. Treat everyone with kindness and maintain a neutral attitude. Avoid forming attachments and strive to be good to everyone, regardless of your personal feelings.

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