What exactly does a birth doula do?

What exactly does a birth doula do?

A timeless and sometimes unpredictable journey, childbirth has been an integral part of the human experience. In the United States, where rates of preventable complications and maternal deaths are surprisingly high, the demand for doulas is increasing. Natalia Richey, interim chief midwife at Massachusetts General Hospital, sees growing interest in additional care during pregnancy and childbirth.

But what does a birth doula do? Unlike midwives or doctors, professional doulas offer emotional and physical support to women during pregnancy and the birth process.

Here’s a look at doula care if you’re considering it.

Doulas versus midwives

While midwives and doulas share some responsibilities, there is a crucial distinction: midwives provide medical care, while doulas focus on emotional and physical support. Midwives, like certified nurse-midwives, are trained nurses responsible for maintaining the physical health of both mother and baby during childbirth. On the other hand, doulas do not perform medical tasks; They specialize in helping women in labor stay comfortable and calm, using various techniques such as suggesting comfort measures and optimal positions.

Doula Training and Licensing

It is important to note that doula training lacks standardized rules. Certification from more than 100 independent organizations is common, although a formal license is not required. While private insurers often don’t cover doula care, some employers, like Walmart, help cover the costs. As of February 2023, ten states and the District of Columbia offer Medicaid coverage for doula services.

Impact on birth outcomes

A 2023 analysis spanning 22 years and 16 studies found that doula support was correlated with better birth outcomes, including fewer C-sections, preterm births, and shorter births. Emotional support from doulas was associated with reduced anxiety and stress in mothers, with notable improvements in breastfeeding success, especially among low-income women.

Collaboration with Doulas

Arrangements regarding care may vary, but typically, doulas meet with pregnant women during pregnancy to discuss birth goals and establish rapport. Doulas, similar to obstetricians, are available 24/7 to assist clients during childbirth. This constant support, especially for those with limited resources, can be invaluable.

Collaboration between doula and obstetrician/gynecologist

Collaboration between doulas and OB/GYN teams is often seamless. Whether a doula is hired by a hospital or hired privately, coordination ensures that everyone fulfills their duties. Doulas suggest non-pharmacological ways to relieve pain, respecting boundaries when medical intervention is necessary.

Questions to ask yourself when considering a doula

Interested in working with a doula? Natalia Richey suggests asking yourself questions like:

– What are my hopes and goals for the birth process?
– How do I imagine my support team during delivery?
– Do I have friends or family who have used doulas and what were their impressions?

When you contact a doula, ask about their training, the number of births they attend, how they can help during pregnancy and birth, and their collaborative approach with your partner, spouse, and medical team.

Take the time to meet with any doula you’re considering and make sure it’s a good fit, Richey advises. “Because it’s someone who will be there during one of the most vulnerable times of your life. Having someone there who doesn’t make you feel safe and comfortable can significantly affect your birth.

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