US skips congressional review for emergency sale of tank shells to Israel

US skips congressional review for emergency sale of tank shells to Israel

The 14,000 shells are part of a larger sale that the Biden administration wants Congress to approve.

The United States government has used emergency powers to allow the sale of about 14,000 tank shells to Israel without congressional review, the Pentagon says.

The State Department on Friday used an emergency declaration under the Arms Export Control Act to immediately deliver the $106.5 million in tank shells to Israel, the Pentagon said in a statement on Saturday.

The grenades are part of a larger sale that the Biden administration wants Congress to approve. The larger package is worth more than $500 million and includes 45,000 shells for Israel’s Merkava tanks, which are regularly used in its Gaza offensive killed thousands of civilians.

Since October 7, at least 17,700 Palestinians have been killed and more than 48,800 injured in Gaza.

On Friday, the The USA vetoed it a UN Security Council call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The vote came after U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres took a rare step on Wednesday to formally warn the 15-member council of a global threat from the two-month war.

As the war intensifies, the question of exactly how and where U.S. weapons are being used in the conflict is drawing increasing scrutiny, even as U.S. officials say they are There are no plans to impose conditions to decide on military aid to Israel or to consider withholding it.

Human rights activists expressed concern about the sale, saying it was inconsistent with Washington’s efforts to pressure Israel to minimize civilian casualties.

A State Department official said Saturday that Washington continues to make clear to the Israeli government that it must comply with international law and take all possible steps to avoid harm to civilians.

The proposed sale demonstrates U.S. commitment to Israel’s security and will strengthen Israel’s defense capabilities, the official said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated and explained in detail to Congress that the tank shells must be delivered to Israel immediately in the interests of US national security, the Pentagon statement said.

The sale is from U.S. Army inventory and consists of 120mm M830A1 High Explosive Anti-Tank Multi-Purpose with Tracer (MPAT) tank cartridges and associated equipment.

“Israel will use the expanded capabilities to deter regional threats and strengthen its homeland defense,” the Pentagon said, adding that the sale will not have a negative impact on U.S. defense readiness.

Israel’s Merkava tanks, which use 120mm shells, have also been linked to incidents that killed journalists.

On Thursday, an investigation by the Reuters news agency revealed that an Israeli tank crew killed journalist Issam Abdallah and wounded six reporters by firing two grenades in quick succession from Israel while the journalists were filming cross-border shelling.

According to the media watchdog Committee to Protest Journalists, at least 63 journalists have been killed since the Gaza war broke out, including 56 Palestinians, four Israelis and three Lebanese nationals.

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