Uganda: President’s Office to Inspect Govt Programs, Projects in Lango, West Nile

Uganda: President’s Office to Inspect Govt Programs, Projects in Lango, West Nile

The Office of the President through the directorate of socio-economic monitoring and research will in collaboration with the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, the National Building Review Board and the Internal Security Organization carry out an oversight inspection exercise of service delivery in Lango and West Nile sub regions.

According to the state minister for economic monitoring, Beatrice Akello Akori, the exercise scheduled to take place on October 31, will be conducted in Arua City, Arua district, Madi-Okollo, Adjumani, Pakwach, Alebtong, Otuke, Amolatar, Kole and Oyam .

The minister explained that whereas government has undertaken several reforms and spent massive resources over the past two decades to enhance the quality of public services in Uganda as a means of reducing poverty and improving livelihoods among Ugandans, many of these have not achieved the desired goal.

“Despite the government of Uganda’s commitment to improving service delivery, there is a general outcry by citizens and policymakers that resources have not resulted in effective public service delivery and poverty remains at high and unacceptable rates. About 39% of Ugandan households are still in the subsistence Economy and many Ugandans are unable to access adequate and good quality public services in many parts of the country,” Akello said.

The minister explained that the oversight visit will therefore help check on service delivery and see where improvement is needed.

“This oversight inspection exercise will have an aim of assessing the implementation status of both central and local government projects and programs with the aim of strengthening accountability for results and facilitating learning.”