Trump wins New Hampshire primary: Five key takeaways and what’s next

Trump wins New Hampshire primary: Five key takeaways and what’s next

The Republican presidential candidate of the United States, Donald Trump, has consolidated his influence over his party’s electorate after taking office New Hampshire primary victory against Nikki Haley, his only other major Republican rival still in the race. Here are the key takeaways from that Competition:

Trump’s path forward

Trump won 54.6 percent of the vote in New Hampshire on Tuesday Haley won 43.2 percent As of late Tuesday, the northeastern US state had been allocated 20 of its 22 delegates to the Republican National Convention based on the vote: 11 went to Trump and eight to Haley.

While polls had pegged Trump as the winner, many analysts had suspected that Haley had a chance against him in New Hampshire, a state with a high number of independent and unaffiliated voters and a more moderate conservative base than in many other states. Haley was even endorsed by the state’s popular governor, Chris Sununu.

However, the indicted former president won relatively easily and was on a sliding path to a third straight Republican presidential nomination. The biggest threat to his nomination, some analysts say, is the possibility of conviction and prison time as a result of one of the several trials Trump faces.


Warning signs for Trump

Trump’s victory was nowhere near as resounding as his Iowa win last week, but it was never expected to be in a state with an electorate full of moderate Republicans and independents.

Important swing voter groups were not represented by Trump. Haley beat Trump among primary voters who identify as both moderates and independents. Sixty percent of them voted for Haley, according to exit polls from Edison Research. She also outperformed Trump among college graduates, 56 percent to 41 percent.

A city map shows Trump fell to Haley in New Hampshire in many of the same areas where he lost to Biden 2020 Presidential election.

Perhaps the biggest red flag of all was on abortion. The issue did not hurt Trump in the primary, but could be of central importance in the duel against Biden.

Among voters who said the issue was their top priority, Haley won 64 percent to 30 percent, even though she is arguably as conservative — if not more conservative — than Trump on the issue. The former US president has boasted about his role in helping the US Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade, a 1973 Supreme Court ruling that said the US Constitution protects the right to abortion, but in recent weeks he has also spoken of the need to find a middle ground on abortion restrictions.

Haley also has supported the right of states to enforce abortion restrictions, but warned that it could be difficult for even a Republican administration to enforce a nationwide ban.

Haley is still in the race

Despite Haley’s loss, she has strongly indicated that she will remain in the race at least until the Feb. 24 primary in her home state of South Carolina.

“New Hampshire is first in the nation. It’s not the last in the nation. “This race is far from over,” Haley told cheering supporters in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire.

Haley’s team pointed out that about five in 10 primary voters do not support Trump. Her aides insist she will stay in the race to serve as a vehicle for anti-Trump forces that still hope the former president could be forced out of the race because of his legal troubles.

Joe Biden’s victory

Even though I’m not there Democratic primaryAmong the Democrats, President Joe Biden won over Congressman Dean Phillips from Minnesota.

More than 30,000 Democrats braved the cold to write in Biden’s name, even though it had no significance in the grand election manifesto.

The primary will not select delegates to the Democratic National Convention in August. This comes as a result of a dispute between the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the governor of New Hampshire after the DNC announced that New Hampshire would no longer be the first Democratic primary in the country, leading to Biden withdrawing Those not registered to vote despite the state continued with the primary.

It is likely reminiscent of the 2020 presidential race, in which Trump and Biden will compete Compete again in 2024 for a rematch that many voters say they don’t want.

Trump’s speech

After Haley announced she would stay in the race, Trump attacked her in his victory speech. He said if the primary reaches her home state of South Carolina, “we will win easily.”

Trump’s address was full of warnings about his trademark tone immigration as he keep lying about winning the 2020 election.

Once, cursing on prime-time television, Trump said the U.S. was a “failing country” and claimed that undocumented migrants were coming from psychiatric hospitals and prisons and were “killing our country.”

“We will win this. We have no choice. If we don’t win, I think our country is finished.”

What’s next

Betsy Ankney, Haley’s campaign manager, noted that several states on the primary calendar will have similar structures to New Hampshire, where independents could influence the vote.

South Carolina holds its Democratic and Republican primaries on separate dates. It allows any voter who did not vote first in the February 3 Democratic primary to vote for the Republican nomination on February 24. Michigan, which comes next, has an open primary, meaning voters do not have to vote in their own party’s primary, but can “roll over” and vote in the other party’s primary.

Then comes Super Tuesday on March 5, when 874 delegates will be up for election in 15 states and one US territory. Ankney said about two-thirds of those are in states with open or semi-open primaries.

She named Virginia, Massachusetts, Texas and North Carolina among the states where Haley could do well with independent or moderate voters the campaign sees as persuadable.

If Trump blows up Haley in her home state of South Carolina, where she served two terms as governor, she will likely face growing pressure to abandon the race. Until then, Haley has a month to campaign, raise money and position herself as the only remaining anti-Trump Republican.

Trump’s inability to win support among independent voters, college-educated voters and abortion rights supporters – the base Haley is targeting in the Republican primary – shows his weakness with a segment of the population that Biden hopes to bring together into a coalition before November .

Trump is now facing a total of 91 criminal offenses four charges. The federal trial over Trump’s alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election is expected to begin March 4, a day before Super Tuesday.

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