The effect of social networks in today’s world

The effect of social networks in today’s world

Every time I come across some posts on any social media platform, Instagram in particular, I start to wonder what our generation will become in the years to come. We are in a generation where almost everything is accepted and morality has been replaced by the freedom to express oneself.

Has social media done more harm than good? Can you take a moment to think and reflect on how much good social media has impacted your life and how much positive vibe you get every time you visit your favorite social media site? I cannot overlook the good work that social media has done, such as creating job opportunities for unemployed people, raising awareness about dangers, increasing overall exposure, meeting new people and staying close to the world with a single push.

As with everything, there are good and bad things, but you will agree with me that humans have a greater tendency to emulate the wrong part even though they have freedom of choice. Personally, I have learned a lot on social media. I make money with my social platforms, but bad influences seem to be the order of the day. It’s more about how you use it personally, but overall, I think social media has done more harm than good.

Priorities are misplaced; Basically, people live their lives based on the influence of another person, celebrities or trends. Many people have lost it and have not yet realized how deeply they have sunk into social influence.


Many families, relationships and marriages have failed due to the exposure they had on social media. There is a small problem between two couples and it is all over social media. When there are a lot of people involved in a topic, you have good and bad opinions and, at this point, it is very difficult to decide. People should learn to keep marriage and relationship problems away from social media if they can’t handle the pressure.

Job search:

Personal life :

Some people share basically everything about themselves on social media. Have you ever thought that there is something special that we are willing to know personally about you when we meet you in person? without considering the risk in recent times. Kim Kardashian’s robbery didn’t ring any bells with you. She was monitored through Snapchat.


Internet phishing is one of the most lucrative businesses here in Ukraine and it is unregulated.


The type of content you publish says a lot about you. That life is not just about social media; It may seem like that, but if you look deeper, you will see beyond that. Pornography and nudity are all over social media, and moderation can’t exactly be controlled as new pages are created by the minute every day. Be careful what you see; It influences your mind subconsciously. Our thoughts germinate and are watered by what we see.

Internet addiction:

Fake lifestyle/ Competence:

Many people live in the shadows; Not everyone who shows off money and wears expensive items on social media owns them. Don’t live your life trying to fit into a circle. People have become thieves, trying to fit in; some have adopted dirty lifestyles just to stand out. Not all the hustle and bustle you see are real; People publish business pages and, clandestinely, they do different things. You are your biggest competition; Don’t let the media pressure you.

Some people show things that do not belong to them and go to extremes just to post content to please their followers and viewers. I was watching a movie about a woman who basically lives a fake lifestyle on social media. She literally goes into stores to try on clothes and take pictures; She later graduates to stealing the items, which caused the greatest misfortune of her life. Not everything that shines is gold; Are you already too familiar with this phrase? Live by it and you will enjoy life in the most realistic way.

Hidden identity:


I have been a Christian since birth and as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I have come across a lot of provocative content that belittles and mocks my beliefs. This can ruin your day and make you feel very depressed. Sometimes if you respond to this content, it turns into cyberbullying and an online confrontation. People swear and say different things online as they just sit at home in their comfort zone and hit the publish button. I have refused to have my belief altered. Nobody regulates the assault on beliefs. We are all entitled to our opinions, but we shouldn’t be stupid about it.

likes and comments:

Getting likes on your photos is important for any business page on social media.

Has social media done more good than harm to teenagers? Social media can be quite addictive for today’s teenagers. It’s all about liking, following and status updates. They become addicted and spend too much time on the Internet, but can it go too far?

Exposure to harm: There is not much protection online and identity theft occurs when people pretend to be someone else. There is too much inappropriate content and “pop-ups”; you could meet dangerous people; There are no limits to how far you can go.

Impaired privacy


Peer pressure and cyberbullying are a major problem. Suicide: A truly shocking fact is that more than 100,000 people commit suicide on Facebook each year. People don’t take others seriously online, and even when someone updates their status and says “I took all the pills, I’m going to kill myself, bye.” No one said anything to help this person. It may be due to stress, bullying, or other problems. Don’t be a victim of cyberbullying; block anyone who posts or leaves negative and humiliating comments and articles.

Information not regulated or filtered.

This is a very broad topic and is done in different ways, from social media hacking to dating sites and even fake websites. Bank accounts are hacked, people lose everything they have worked for in life, money is sent to the wrong hands, etc.

Online stores and businesses sell items that never reach the buyer; some send you what you didn’t ask for, pretending it was a mistake; People even order things that never arrive at their shipping destination; People receive expired products, products that are not well formed or even products that are not registered, exposing themselves to very serious damage.

Online gambling has modernized and many men are doing it. Gradually, they become addicted and want quick and easy money, which leads them to fraudulent activities and theft. There is dignity in good work; Never forget this.

Do what is right and be moderate in everything you do. They have killed people because of what they spread; People have lived in their shadows and, when they realized it, time had passed too far. A scam is basically what some people turn to when they start to get impatient with life. Many people have been scammed out of their life savings through social media. Cut your coat according to your size, protect yourself, be prudent and enjoy the social influence of style.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you think social media causes more harm than good. Leave a comment below. Have a lovely week.

Photo from Tuesday on Unsplash

Photo by from Pexels.

Ref: Prezi,

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