Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister

Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister

Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill has been officially appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister by the regional parliament. This is the first time that an Irish nationalist has led the devolved government of the British territory.

O’Neill’s appointment, confirmed by the speaker, came on Saturday after the rival Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the largest pro-British party, quit one term two-year boycott the region’s power-sharing government after reaching an agreement with the British government to ease trade tensions.

“This is a historic day and represents a new departure,” she told her fellow MPs after her election.

O’Neill’s rise to the role is the latest character about the increasing popularity of her Sinn Fein party across the island, which now believes its ultimate dream of a united Ireland may be “within reach”.

The 47-year-old leader was appointed first minister of the government, which, under the terms of the 1998 Good Friday Peace Agreement, shares power between Northern Ireland’s two largest communities – British unionists, who want to remain in the UK, and Irish nationalists, who want unification strive for with Ireland.

“The days of second-class citizenship are over”

Northern Ireland was founded in 1921 following the independence of the Republic of Ireland as a unionist part of the United Kingdom with a Protestant majority.

“The days of second-class citizenship are long gone. Today confirms that they will never come back,” said O’Neill.

“As an Irish Republican, I promise cooperation and real, honest effort with British colleagues who have a union tradition and value the Union. This is a gathering for everyone – Catholics, Protestants and dissidents.”

Neither side can rule without the consent of the other. Government business fell by half in the last two years after the DUP quit in protest over Brexit-related trade issues.

O’Neill will share power with the DUP’s Emma Little-Pengelly, who has been appointed as the new deputy first minister. The two will be equal, but O’Neill, whose party won more seats in the Northern Ireland Assembly in the 2022 election, will hold the more prestigious title.

Former DUP leader Edwin Poots was elected speaker of the chamber.

O’Neill was elected to the Stormont Assembly in 2007 and comes from a family of Irish Republicans.

Her Sinn Féin party was linked to the armed group Irish Republican Army during the so-called “Troubles”, a period of about 30 years of violent conflict over the future of Northern Ireland that ended with the Good Friday Agreement.

Former Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams, who helped negotiate the historic peace deal, was in the assembly gallery to see O’Neill’s nomination.

‘Good day’

The return to government came exactly two years after a DUP boycott over a dispute over trade restrictions on goods entering Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland’s 1.9 million residents were left without a functioning administration as the cost of living soared and public services were overwhelmed.

An open border between the north and the republic was an important pillar of the completed peace process The worriesTherefore, controls between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom were introduced instead.

An agreement between Britain and the EU a year ago, known as the Windsor Framework, eased customs checks and other hurdles but did not go far enough for the DUP, which continued its boycott.

The British government this week agreed to new changes that would remove routine checks and paperwork for most goods entering Northern Ireland, although some checks for illegal goods or for disease prevention will remain in place.

The new changes included laws confirming “Northern Ireland’s constitutional status” as part of the United Kingdom and giving local politicians “democratic control” over any future EU laws that could apply to Northern Ireland.

The British government also agreed to give Northern Ireland more than 3 billion pounds ($3.8 billion) for its struggling public services once the Belfast government returns to work.

“I believe my party has delivered what many have said we could not deliver,” DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson said outside the Stormont meeting room.

“We have delivered changes that many said were not possible and I believe today is a good day for Northern Ireland, a day when our place in the UK and its single market is once again respected, protected in our law and restored so that all our people can enjoy the benefits of our union membership.”

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