PICS: Jordan’s mission to save its ancient olive trees

PICS: Jordan’s mission to save its ancient olive trees

The trees are a beloved national symbol, but they are also threatened by urban sprawl, illegal logging for firewood and uprooting in the homes and gardens of the wealthy for decoration.

Ali Salih Atta, 84, who owns a farm in Ajlun governorate that is home to Jordan’s oldest olive trees, near the Jordan River and the Israeli border, walks in his grove on September 25, 2023. Image: Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP

AJLUN, Jordan – Every morning, Jordanian farmer Ali Saleh Atta swallows two cloves of garlic with a cup of olive oil before heading out to check on his ancient olive trees.

“These trees represent the history of Jordan,” said the 84-year-old, looking at the 2,000-year-old trees whose huge, gnarled trunks stretch up branches with delicate, light green leaves.

The trees are a beloved national symbol, but they are also threatened by urban sprawl, illegal logging for firewood and uprooting in the homes and gardens of the wealthy for decoration.

The land of Atta, a father of 10, is in Al-Hashimiyya, a forested area about 70 kilometers (45 miles) northwest of Amman.

“I have given my children and grandchildren a written will that after my death you will preserve them and live off what they produce,” he said.

Jordan, the world’s 10th largest olive producer according to the World Olive Council, has many ancient trees that have become an integral part of the country’s identity and culture, but are now threatened by urban expansion, illegal logging and uprooting for decoration in the homes of the wealthy . Image: Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP

According to the World Olive Council, Jordan is the 10th largest olive producer in the world.

Its many ancient trees, which have survived for thousands of years, are an integral part of the country’s identity and culture.

In many regions, “you can hardly visit a house without finding an olive tree in every garden,” said Nizar Haddad, director general of the National Agricultural Research Center.

“We grew up in this culture from childhood.”

But today, he said, the trees’ beauty has put them in danger.

A picture shows a view of some of Jordan's oldest olive trees on a farm in Ajlun governorate, near the Jordan River and the Israeli border, on September 25, 2023. Image: Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP

A picture shows a view of some of Jordan’s oldest olive trees on a farm in Ajlun governorate, near the Jordan River and the Israeli border, on September 25, 2023. Image: Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP

“Some hotels, villas, businessmen and companies want to add a special touch to the decoration of their facilities, so they buy such trees and transport them,” he said.

The trees often don’t survive the move, Haddad said, adding that new laws aim to protect them.

“New Jordanian laws protect these trees from being uprooted or removed, and there is coordination between the Interior Ministry, our center and the police to prevent transports except in very exceptional cases.”


There are 11 million olive trees in groves in Jordan, accounting for 20 percent of the country’s total cultivated area.

They produce 50,000 tons of olives and 25,000 tons of olive oil annually and contribute 120 million Jordanian dinars (US$169 million) to the economy.

Haddad noted that the olive tree has symbolic meaning for both Muslim and Christian Jordanians, saying it is mentioned in the Quran and that “Jesus Christ spent his final hours praying on the Mount of Olives.”

“These trees must be preserved so that they can remain a source of inspiration for the community, especially since they are among the species capable of adapting to all the environmental challenges that face not only our region but the world. “

The tree variety, commonly known as Roman or Mehras, should be preserved as a “national treasure,” said Amer Gharaibeh, head of the Mehras Cooperative Society.

“Here you can see the oldest olive trees… they have been here since the Romans ruled this region before the Muslims controlled them,” he said.

Ali Salih Atta, 84, who owns a farm in Ajlun governorate that is home to Jordan's oldest olive trees, near the Jordan River and the Israeli border, walks in his grove on September 25, 2023.  Image: Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP

Ali Salih Atta, 84, who owns a farm in Ajlun governorate that is home to Jordan’s oldest olive trees, near the Jordan River and the Israeli border, walks in his grove on September 25, 2023. Image: Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP

Research has shown that Mehras shares a common ancestor with olives grown in Italy, Cyprus and Spain.

Together with Jordan’s Ministry of Culture, Gharaibeh’s organization is working to add the trees to UNESCO’s list of intangible world heritage in the hope that this will “ultimately help preserve and protect them.”

Jordan is working on a plan to get the public excited about the trees by placing a QR code on every bottle of olive oil produced.

It lists the tree’s location, the name of its owner, its history, the quality of the oil and the age of the tree, said Haddad, whose organization is working on the project.

“We will not only sell olive oil,” he said, “but we will spread a relevant story through which we can fully market our country.”

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