Pacific island Tuvalu votes as ties with Taiwan in spotlight

Pacific island Tuvalu votes as ties with Taiwan in spotlight

Poll in a country threatened by climate change is being closely watched as China and the United States vie for influence in the region.

The small Pacific island nation of Tuvalu has taken part in a national election closely watched by China, Taiwan, the United States and its ally Australia, amid a battle for influence in the region.

There are just over 6,000 registered voters in the country of around 11,200 residents. Polls are closed and results from Friday’s election are expected later in the day.

Tuvalu, whose population is spread across nine islands, has pushed for more relief efforts at international conferences Low-lying countries are fighting climate change Scientists have warned that the capital, Funafuti, could be submerged by tides by 2050.

Most of Tuvalu is expected to be inundated by high tides by the year 2100, according to the United Nations Development Program, which is working with Tuvalu to strengthen its coastline.

A struggle for influence in the Pacific between China and the US has seen Tuvalu being courted, with Washington recently promising to connect its remote population to global telecommunications for the first time by undersea cable.

Tuvalu is then one of Taiwan’s three remaining Pacific allies Nauru China cut ties with Taipei this month and resumed diplomatic ties with China, which pledged more development support.

Fight for influence

Taiwan said on Thursday that China was trying to influence the election in Tuvalu and “usurp our diplomatic allies.”

China considers democratically ruled Taiwan to be its own territory and has no claim to diplomatic relations. Taiwan rejects China’s claim to sovereignty.

The contenders for Tuvalu’s leadership have all championed climate action on the world stage, but differ in their approach to relations with Taiwan, a diplomatic ally since 1979.

Tuvalu’s Finance Minister Seve Paeniu, who was one of only two candidates representing the Nukulaelae island electorate to secure a seat in the new parliament, told Reuters he expected relations with Taiwan to be reviewed after the election.

The new government should decide whether Taiwan or China can best respond to Tuvalu’s development needs, he said.

Prime Minister Kausea Natano has told Taiwan he continues to support the relationship.

Enele Sopoaga, who was ousted as prime minister by Natano in the 2019 election, and former foreign minister Simon Kofe have previously pledged support for Taiwan.

There are no political parties, and two legislators are elected by voters in each of the island’s eight constituencies.

After the votes are counted, government boats pick up the new lawmakers from the islands and take them to Funafuti, a journey that can take up to 27 hours. The Prime Minister is chosen by the newly elected legislators.

Natano and Kofe are running for the Funafuti seat.

Kofe made headlines around the world in 2021 when he addressed the UN climate summit while standing knee-deep in water to highlight the plight of the low-lying country.

Tuvalu signed a security and migration agreement with Australia in November, allowing Canberra to review security ties.

Sopoaga has rejected the Australia deal while Kofe said some aspects should be revised.

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