Opposition supporters try to storm Belgrade city hall

Opposition supporters try to storm Belgrade city hall

Demonstrators smashed the windows of the capital’s administration building with flagpoles, stones and eggs and tried to break in, but were quickly pushed back by police.

Riot police units disperse protesters near the entrance to the Belgrade City Council building during a demonstration in Belgrade on December 24, 2023, a week after the parliamentary and local elections in Serbia. Image: Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP

BELGRADE – According to an AFP reporter on the scene, Serbian opposition demonstrators broke windows as they tried to storm Belgrade City Hall during protests over alleged election fraud on Sunday evening, with police pushing them back with pepper spray.

Demonstrators smashed the windows of the capital’s administration building with flagpoles, stones and eggs and tried to break in, but were quickly pushed back by police.

At around 10:00 p.m. (2100 GMT) local time, police dispersed the crowd.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said two police officers were “seriously injured” and others suffered minor injuries during the protest, while over 35 “thugs” were arrested.

Vucic described the incidents as an attempt at a “forcible takeover of state institutions,” adding that there were indications that “everything was prepared in advance.”

“We have solid evidence to support this and we will not give up… No one has the right to destroy our home, the property of our country and our citizens, not to mention causing serious injuries to our police officers,” Vucic said late Sunday to the government-affiliated channel Pink TV.

Controversial poll

Serbia held parliamentary and local elections on December 17, in which President Aleksandar Vucic’s party said it won a confident victory.

But a team of international observers – including representatives from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – reported “irregularities”, including “vote buying” and “ballot box stuffing”.

The allegations sparked days of protests outside the Serbian electoral commission building, and seven members of the main opposition camp – united under the slogan “Serbia against violence” – went on hunger strike with the aim of overturning the results.

Vucic said that the state “will be able” to arrest and bring to justice those responsible for the incidents in front of City Hall.

“Scenes are dramatic because we are not used to someone breaking windows,” Vucic said in a special address to pro-government channel Pink TV, Beta news agency reported.

“But there is no revolution and they will not succeed.”

In a statement, Serbia’s Interior Ministry called on protesters to refrain from violence.

She added that police had warned representatives of the main opposition camp before the elections that they had information that violent demonstrations and break-ins into government buildings were being planned.

Police added that opposition leaders at the time “guaranteed that such events would not happen,” the statement said.

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