OPEC push on fossil fuels draws ire at climate talks

OPEC push on fossil fuels draws ire at climate talks

The tone oscillated between optimism and concern over the pace of COP28 talks in Dubai as negotiators held marathon sessions to find a compromise on the fate of oil, gas and coal.

Stock image of an oil refinery. Image: Tomwang/123rf.com

DUBAI – Negotiations over the future of fossil fuels heated up at U.N. climate talks on Saturday, with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) facing heavy criticism over the oil cartel’s efforts to block any exit in the final deal.

The tone oscillated between optimism and concern over the pace of COP28 talks in Dubai as negotiators held marathon sessions to find a compromise on the fate of oil, gas and coal.

OPEC added fuel to the fire after it was revealed that its Kuwaiti Secretary-General Haitham Al Ghais had sent a letter this week to the group’s 13 members and 10 allies, urging them to “proactively reject any language” that referred to it fossil fuels rather than emissions.

“I think it’s pretty disgusting that the OPEC countries are resisting raising the bar to where it needs to be,” Spanish Environment Minister Teresa Ribera, whose country holds the EU’s rotating presidency, told reporters.

French Energy Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher said the OPEC statement left her “stunned” and “angry.”

Dramatically expanding the use of renewable energy while reducing the production and consumption of fossil fuels is crucial to achieving the global goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“1.5 is non-negotiable, and that means an end to fossil fuels,” said Tina Stege, climate chief for the Marshall Islands, who chairs the High Ambition Coalition, a broad group of nations ranging from Barbados to France, Kenya and Pacific island nations .

About seven activists protested outside the OPEC stand at the COP28 site, holding up their palms to show words like “exit,” according to video footage shared by the NGO 350.org.


A third draft agreement, released on Friday, sets out various options for phasing out fossil fuels, but also includes the option not to mention them at all in the final text.

Saudi Arabia has been the most vocal country against phasing out fossil fuels.

In the OPEC letter sent Wednesday, Ghais said it “appears that the unreasonable and disproportionate pressure on fossil fuels may be reaching a tipping point with irreversible consequences.”

Iraqi oil ministry spokesman Assem Jihad told AFP his country supported OPEC’s letter.

Iraqi Oil Minister Hayan Abdel Ghani “has rejected attempts to target fossil fuels,” Jihad said.

He added that Ghani had tasked the Iraqi COP28 delegation “to ensure that the wording of the final declaration focuses on global cooperation in reducing emissions to protect the environment and climate.”

But another OPEC member, the United Arab Emirates, host of COP28, struck a conciliatory tone during negotiations and acknowledged that an exit was “inevitable.”

Pannier-Runacher said she expects the COP presidency will not be influenced by the OPEC letter.

A negotiator from a country that favors a phase-out of fossil fuels said the Arab group of states was the only one taking a strong position against a phase-out.


Canadian Climate Minister Steven Guilbeault told AFP he was “confident” the final text would include statements on fossil fuels.

Guilbeault is among a group of ministers appointed by COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber to lead negotiations and reach an agreement by Tuesday, when the summit is scheduled to end.

“It’s a conversation that will take a few more days,” Guilbeault said.

“Different groups are talking and trying to understand what we might agree on, but it’s still a pretty embryonic conversation,” he added.

German climate representative Jennifer Morgan said the countries were “now in the critical phase of negotiations” but she was “concerned that not everyone is engaging constructively.”

Ministers delivered a series of speeches in the vast COP28 plenary hall.

“Given the limited time we have left here in Dubai, we are extremely concerned about the pace of negotiations,” said Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster, Chairman of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).

AOSIS is pushing hard for an exit and warning that rising sea levels threaten their existence.

“I implore you: let this COP28 be the summit at which we, leaders, are remembered for turning the tide,” Schuster said, adding that expanding renewable energy “is not a substitute for a “There can be a stronger commitment to phasing out fossil fuels.”

Next year’s climate talks are likely to take place in another major fossil fuel producer, as Azerbaijan announced it had reached a consensus on hosting COP29.

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