Nigeria: UNFPA Supplies Family Planning Commodities to 700 Kaduna Health Facilities – Official

Nigeria: UNFPA Supplies Family Planning Commodities to 700 Kaduna Health Facilities – Official

“There is also the problem of unsafe abortion when people are not ready, and the solution is simply contraceptives.”

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) says it supplies family planning commodities to over 700 health facilities across Kaduna State every quarter.

The Reproductive Health Analyst, UNFPA Kaduna, Elvis Evborein, made this known in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on Sunday.

Mr Evborein said that UNFPA, the leading UN body supporting family planning interventions, procures the commodities through the Federal Ministry of Health for the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

He said that the commodities were being supplied to health facilities across the state to ensure access to family planning services.

This, he said, is to help couples to plan their families.

He pointed out that without contraceptives, youths may not be able to achieve their full potential in life.

“There is also the problem of unsafe abortion when people are not ready, and the solution is simply contraceptives.

“It makes a whole lot of sense that we are able to maintain contraceptive supply to the state so that we don’t have many of our youths dropping out of school due to unwanted pregnancies.

“Or many of our youths having to do abortion and die in the process due to unsafe practices and other health consequences.”

He argued that when youth as future leaders plan well, they would be able to grow to their full potential, become productive and contribute to the development of the state.