My Women’s Day hero is my mom. What I wore on Women’s Day.

My Women’s Day hero is my mom.  What I wore on Women’s Day.

Yesterday, on my way home from work, I walked into a store and found this gorgeous black top. With Women’s Day right around the corner, I wanted something simple but beautiful. I picked up a Black stretch bodysuit top with front zipper from Quiz Clothing at Buchanan Galleries here in Glasgow. The best part? It was incredibly affordable and fits like a dream.

Afterwards, I stopped by the Africa store to buy ingredients for a special Women’s Day meal. It turned out so delicious that I ended up eating it with such gusto that I was full and had to save some for breakfast this morning.

To celebrate Women’s Day in style, I paired the top with pink floral flared pants from H&M and my trusty white Converse sneakers, a wonderful gift from my partner. A pair of earrings from Quiz Clothing added a touch of sparkle. As for my hair, after a week of keeping it up, I opted for a ponytail that I braided and coiled because of the rough texture at the back.

Oh, the joy of being a woman! It is truly God’s greatest gift: the ability to bring life into the world, to nourish it, to nourish it, and even to sacrifice for it. It is an incredible privilege that fills me with gratitude every day.

On this International Women’s Day, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my mother, who dedicated herself to the well-being of our family, sacrificing so much to make our dreams come true. She is truly extraordinary and has a heart of gold.

My mom is like a guiding light who guides us through life’s journey with unwavering love and support. She is patient, she is always there to listen to me and I will always be grateful to have her as my hero.

Your prayers are like a shield that protects me from life’s challenges. And the wisdom of it, oh, it’s priceless. From her I learned the power of prayer, hard work, kindness and forgiveness.

She is also an incredible cook, a talent for which she has been praised countless times. Her meals are a source of joy and comfort, uniting our family in love and laughter.

Growing up, she instilled in me the importance of decency, modesty, and self-respect. And her stance against alcohol taught me valuable lessons about health and self-discipline.

But perhaps his greatest gift to me is teaching me the Bible. Through her, I have learned to lean on God in times of trouble, knowing that his guidance will always light my path.

I owe everything to my mom and my sister. They have made me the woman I am today and I will always appreciate her love and wisdom.

Many women can relate to this, and I just want to tell anyone reading this post that it doesn’t matter if you are appreciated or not in your own corner; I just know that I appreciate you.

My mom taught me the value of small skills and emphasized that even the smallest income can add up over time. Her patience is a notable trait: her anger never lingers, and although she always takes my side in public, she gently corrects me at home, ensuring that she learns and grows from my mistakes. She firmly believes that without Jesus, we lack everything meaningful in life and she shares with me her unwavering faith through her words and actions.

Decency has always been fundamental in my upbringing thanks to my mother. She has a good eye for choosing pretty, modest clothes, which teaches me that my body should not be flaunted to the world. His stance against alcohol has also left a lasting impression on me. Growing up, alcohol was never part of household celebrations, thanks to my parents’ understanding of its harmful effects.

I thank my mother for choosing my father, a man of deep faith, as her life partner. His commitment to Christian values ​​has been a guiding light in my life, taking me on a beautiful journey toward heaven. My mother’s sense of style has also influenced mine: she has a knack for creating stunning outfits, which she has passed on to me.

Throughout my life, my mother has been a constant source of love and support, always present and attentive to our needs. She was not only a mother, but also my late sister’s best friend, fostering a truly special bond. I can’t thank her enough for all the love, wisdom, and encouragement she has given us.

To my incredible mother, Mrs. Dorathy Jacob, thank you for everything, from sharing stories of resilience during the Biafran War to instilling in me a sense of cultural pride and self-confidence. Her love and care are a treasure and I find comfort in knowing that her prayers are always there to guide me through life’s challenges.

As for my sister, Ogadinma patience Jacob, his passing left a void in my heart that will never fully heal. She taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of family, forgiveness, and kindness. Her memory lives on through the love and strength she left behind, a constant reminder of her enduring legacy.

To my mom and sister, I love you more than words can express. You are my pillar of strength and I will always be grateful for the impact you have had on my life.

On this Women’s Day, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all women, celebrating their strength, resilience and contributions to the world.

And yes, he cooks as well as my mother; That’s a fact I can attest to with delight. 😍

Since I started celebrating Women’s Day, I have established a personal checklist:

1. Start the day with prayers for the amazing women in my life.

2. Marvel at the beautiful decorations at work.

3. Take a moment to call my mom, wish her a wonderful Women’s Day, and send her a thoughtful gift.

4. I extend my warm wishes to my friends, celebrating the strength and resilience of womanhood.

5. Make a quick stop at the library on the way home from work to read the heartwarming comments on my past posts and blog entries.

6. Return home to enjoy a delicious meal, savoring the moment with gratitude.

7. Relax with a movie, immersing myself in stories of inspiring women.

8. Conclude the day with prayers of gratitude and a restful sleep.

All ready.

In my office they gave us this orange paper to write about the wonderful women in our lives. It was posted at the balloon stand.

My Women's Day hero is my mom.  What I wore on Women's Day.

How do you celebrate Women’s Day? Whether you’re reading this post on time or later, share your celebrations in the comments below!

Sending love and warm wishes to all,

melody jacob

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