Momiwa: an essential movie on Amazon Prime

Momiwa: an essential movie on Amazon Prime

Hello everyone,

I want to share with you about a movie on Amazon Prime that moved me deeply. It’s called Momiwa and it’s a compelling story, beautifully written and with a cast that brings the characters to life. The story is emotional, moving and full of lessons for everyone. The film revolves around a man named Netochukwu, who faces a dramatic fall in life. He lost his job, was struggling and had a baby on the way. His family of three became four, but one day his wife left, abandoning her children. The children were locked inside the house, crying, while neighbors banged on the door trying to help. When Netochukwu returned, he quickly opened the door and thereafter took his children to work with him. At his workplace, he met a kind woman whom people affectionately called Momiwa, with a small business on the road, which she always helped with the children. She became part of his family, and even after Netochukwu found a well-paying job, he asked her to move with them to the new city. She had become a mother figure to the children.

Years later, Netochukwu became rich and bought her a house, but she continued to stay with the family, always putting the children first. One day, a woman came to her house and claimed to be Netochukwu’s wife. Momiwa welcomed him, but when Netochukwu returned, he was furious. The woman was in fact his wife, who had abandoned them years before. She begged him to take her back, explaining that he had suffered from postpartum depression and that she had never cheated on him. She left to protect her children from her depression, which made her feel dangerous to them. Netochukwu was moved by his honesty and they reconciled and his wife returned home.

However, jealousy soon took root in Netochukwu’s wife. She despised how everyone adored Momiwa, who had been the children’s mother for ten years. She treated Momiwa badly and, once Netochukwu traveled, she even got Momiwa arrested. When Netochukwu returned and could not locate Momiwa, he asked his wife what had happened. She lied, claiming that Momiwa had decided to leave alone. Netochukwu became uncomfortable and worried, and even involved the police, who told him that they had found a note in Momiwa’s room indicating that she left voluntarily. What he didn’t know was that his wife was behind the whole plan.

One day, Netochukwu’s daughter Vida was desperately searching for a sanitary pad but could not find it. Frustrated, she began to scream. Her mother came in and shouted at her, “Why are you shouting? Can’t you get a sanitary pad for yourself?” Vida replied, “Momiwa always gets me sanitary pads.”
Angry, the mother began to yell at Vida. Netochukwu intervened and asked his wife to stop. Wanting to help his daughter, he decided to go to the pharmacy himself to look for the pads.

At the pharmacy, Netochukwu unexpectedly met the doctor who, according to his wife, treated his depression. He approached the doctor, shook his hand and thanked him for helping his wife with her depression. The doctor, puzzled, asked, “His wife? Is she in this city?” Netochukwu said yes, to which the doctor replied: “That gold digger left me as soon as she saw you on the news and saw how successful you had been. She packed her bags and left without saying a word.”

Netochukwu was shocked by this revelation. Filled with anger, he returned home and confronted his wife, demanding that she leave immediately. Later, he found a way to communicate with Momiwa, who decided to return for Vida’s graduation, not wanting to miss such an important event in the young woman’s life.

This film highlights the pain of betrayal and the importance of genuine, unconditional love.

Why did I want to share this movie?: There are people who may leave you for selfish reasons but come back with made-up stories. Always be cautious and pray before accepting them again. Some people just want to enjoy your success without truly loving you. Netochukwu’s wife only cared about her comfort and happiness, even at the expense of her children.

On the other hand, Momiwa represents good-hearted people. However, having a good heart is not always enough. It is also important to take steps to ensure your happiness. Momiwa remained too long without expressing her feelings for Netochukwu. While you are kind and caring about others, remember that you deserve happiness too.

Enjoy the movie!

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