Meet South Sudan’s first female pilot, Aluel Bol Aluenge

Congratulations to South Sudan’s first female pilot Aluel Bol Aluenge for taking the Captain’s Seat at Delta Air Lines after working with Ethiopian Airlines and FlyDubai.

“It takes a village to raise a child” No limit in the sky that I won’t fly. Aluel Bol Aluenge’s journey has taken her from Africa to America and back again, and from a young refugee to an airline pilot. 

The 34-year-old first made news in 2011 when she completed her aviation training in the United States, with support from the South Sudan government.

Aluel Bol is from South Sudan’s Lakes State and is the daughter of the late Justice James Bol. She was a refugee in Kenya during her country’s ethnic and political conflict. 

Aluenge flew for Ethiopian Airlines, and Fly Dubai. Seven years ago, when she finished from flying school she said, “I feel extremely delighted, especially at the mere thought of achieving my dream. As a child growing up, I always wanted to be a pilot and my late dad made sure that he did all that it takes to make me succeed.”
