Luis Rubiales ‘forcefully kissed’ England player at Women’s World Cup

Luis Rubiales ‘forcefully kissed’ England player at Women’s World Cup

Rubiales “apparently forcefully kissed Lucy Bronze on the face after the Women’s World Cup final,” England’s Football Association’s Debbie Hewitt told the FIFA disciplinary committee.

Disgraced former president of the Spanish Football Association Luis Rubiales Debbie Hewitt, the head of the English Football Association, told FIFA’s disciplinary committee that she “appeared to forcibly kiss” an England player on the face before kissing Jenni Hermoso without her consent at the Women’s World Cup.

A FIFA report released on Wednesday said Rubiales, who was banned for three years in October, acted “with a sense of complete impunity” at the trophy ceremony following Spain’s 1-0 win over England in Sydney on August 20 have.

Hewitt was asked to give evidence and the report includes a summary of her statement in which Hewitt was quoted as saying she watched as Rubiales “touched and caressed” the face of England player Laura Coombs.

Hewitt, who was standing next to Rubiales, found the gesture “a bit strange and then he appeared to forcefully kiss England player Lucy Bronze on her face,” the report said, adding that it left her feeling “deeply uncomfortable and embarrassed.” Rubiales greeted the Spanish players and, among other things, patted them on the ground.

According to the report, she also noticed Rubiales kissing Hermoso “fully and forcefully on the mouth.”

Rubiales responded in the report by accusing Hewitt of “hypocrisy” for also hugging players. He added that Hewitt’s portrayal of him as “some idiot was absolutely disgusting.”

The committee said it had considered a more severe sanction because of his behavior after the final.

“The Committee wanted to emphasize that it was tempted to impose more severe sanctions given the seriousness and seriousness of the incidents in question, as well as the profound negative impact [Rubiales’s] “The measures had an impact on the image of FIFA, women’s football and women’s sport in general,” it said.

The summary said Rubiales had repeatedly violated the basic rules of good behavior, used offensive gestures or behaved in a way that brought football into disrepute.

Rubiales also touched his genitals in the VIP area to celebrate the Spanish victory.

“Inexcusable and unacceptable”

Rubiales’ actions after Spain were crowned world champions led to a player rebellion and allegations of sexual assault.

“All incidents taken together appear to reveal a feeling of complete impunity on the part of the defendant in the football environment,” the committee said in its written statement.

The committee said it took into account factors such as the game’s reputation and “more importantly…” [Hermoso’s] Mental state”.

“He was absolutely and categorically expected to maintain and embody the highest level of professionalism above and beyond the usual standards, particularly at a time when his country was at the pinnacle of women’s football.

“In this context, the committee could not emphasize enough that, regardless of the emotional state in which he was during and after the game, [Rubiales’s] His behavior was inexcusable and unacceptable, particularly given his high status in the football ecosystem at the time.”

Rubiales resigned as president of Spanish football on September 10, after initially vowing not to resign.

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