LIBERIA: Pres. George Weah concedes defeat.

In the aftermath of Friday’s run-off election results announced by the National Elections Commission, President George Weah has gracefully conceded defeat to his longtime rival, former Vice President Joseph Boakai. Boakai emerged victorious with a lead of 28,434 votes (1.78%). The newly-elected president, with over 40 years of experience in the public sector and having served as Vice President for 12 years under former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, faces the task of leading Liberia.

The closely contested race was unveiled by the NEC, showing President Weah securing 49.11% of the votes (785,778), while President-elect Boakai obtained 50.89% (814,212), resulting in a 1.78% difference of 28,434 votes. Boakai, throughout his campaign, pledged to rescue Liberia from what he deemed as mismanagement and corruption under the Weah administration.
