Labour leaders push President Biden for a Gaza ceasefire at US Capitol

Labour leaders push President Biden for a Gaza ceasefire at US Capitol

Washington, D.C. – Influential union leaders joined progressive lawmakers at the United States Capitol to urge President Joe Biden’s administration to support a armistice in the war-torn Gaza Strip.

In a news conference Thursday, representatives from the United Auto Workers (UAW), United Electrical Workers and the American Postal Workers Union portrayed their appeal as part of a long story Labor movements Supporting human rights at home and abroad.

“We know that unions are a bridge to combat all forms of hate, phobias, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, Islamophobia and more,” said Shawn Fain, UAW President.

“Now is the time for the rest of our elected leaders to step in and do whatever is necessary to stop the violence.”

The news conference was organized by Democratic Reps. Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, who introduced legislation in October calling for a ceasefire. So far, over 18,700 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip as part of an ongoing Israeli military offensive.

“As an activist and organizer and the proud daughter of a former union member, I know that the fundamental message of every guild is to stand with people, fight for their dignity and advocate for the most marginalized people,” Bush said at the event press conference.

“Our humanity needs a ceasefire and that is exactly why I am so happy that there are unions here today joining this fight, because we know that unions know how to organize. Unions know how to mobilize, mobilize and energize.”

“Time for employees to use our workforce”

Both congressmen and union leaders used the press conference to underscore the political power of unions.

The UAW, for example, represents an estimated 400,000 active members, while the American Postal Service Union has 330,000 workers.

They suggested there could be consequences for Biden at the ballot box if he doesn’t meet their call for a ceasefire.

“While the United States funds Israel’s campaign of terror, we, the workers, are footing the bill for the massacre of innocents in Palestine,” said Janvi Madhani of the United Electrical Workers.

“This is the time for workers to use our labor and electoral power to stand in uncompromising solidarity with the cause of Palestinian freedom.”

Judy Beard, a representative of the American Postal Workers Union, said her organization’s call for a ceasefire reflected broader views among the U.S. public.

“As a union that stands for equality, social justice, human labor rights and international solidarity, we unite with millions of good people [and] Members of Congress,” she said. Their union first announced its support for a ceasefire on November 8th.

The most “worker-friendly” president in history

Biden has long described himself as the “most pro-union president in American history.”

But he did enjoy the support of both the UAW and the American Postal Workers Union During the 2020 presidential campaign, his unwillingness to call for a ceasefire could anger unions as he seeks re-election in 2024.

The Democratic president hesitated to criticize Israel’s military offensive in Gaza, citing the “Right to defend yourself” after an attack on October 7 that killed 1,200 people.

But the subsequent war in Gaza has killed thousands, including many women and children. Entire neighborhoods were razed to the ground, and United Nations experts warned of a “great risk of genocide” in Palestinian territory.

The escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza has sparked widespread outcry. Even Biden has warned that “indiscriminate bombing” could cause Israel to lose public support.

Still, many within Biden’s own party have criticized him for his “unwavering support” for Israel. As of Wednesday, an estimated 62 members of the U.S. Congress have called for a ceasefire, according to the Working Families Party, a left-leaning political group.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released last month also found that 68 percent of Americans supported calls for a ceasefire. This number was even higher among Democrats alone.

Support for trade unions

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, polls show Biden falling behind his main Republican rival Donald Trump in key swing states like Michigan, where there are large Arab and Muslim American populations communities.

That’s according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey released this month Trump leads Biden 46 percent to 42 in a one-on-one matchup in the state.

But Biden has made great strides in trying to win over Michigan’s relatively large group of union members. An estimate 14 percent of “wage and salary workers” in the state belong to a union, more than the state average of 10 percent.

In September, Biden flew to Michigan, where he was inaugurated president first sitting US president to visit a picket line of striking UAW workers.

At the time, the auto union was in the midst of its first-ever strike against all of the “Big Three” automobile companies: General Motors, Ford and Stellantis. The strike was also the union’s longest in nearly a quarter century and resulted in higher wages and better benefits for auto workers.

But Trump also tried to appeal to auto workers during the strike, holding a rally the day after Biden’s appearance on the picket line.

The UAW has not yet endorsed a candidate for the 2024 race. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, the company has significant influence in the so-called “Rust Belt” states, where manufacturing has been a historic driver of the local economy.

“I call on the rest of the labor movement to join us in this mission for peace and social justice for all humanity,” Fain, the UAW president, said Thursday, urging other union leaders to join in calling for a ceasefire.

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