Joe Public tops the 2019 Pendoring rankings

Joe Public tops the 2019 Pendoring rankings

The official rankings of the 2019 Pendoring Awards, held at the UJ Arts Centre last week, have been released. The rankings provide an overview of the performance of agencies and schools based on advertising and brand communications content submitted to this year’s awards.

Joe Public has ranked in the top spot overall, with a total of 261.5 points. The Odd Number and FCB Africa take second and third place, with 136 and 107 points respectively. TBWA Hunt Lascaris, who won the Prestigious Umpetha Award for the campaign The Real Cost of Being Zulu, ranked in the fourth position with 100 points.

Agency Points   School Points
Joe Public 261.5 Red &Yellow Creative School of Business 74
The Odd Number (Pty) Ltd 136 AAA School of Advertising 68
FCB Africa 107 North-West University 61
TBWA\Hunt Lascaris Johannesburg 100 Vega 52
Wunderman Thompson 42 University of Johannesburg 32
Promise 35 Boston Media House 8
Today Brand Studio 27 Greenside Design Center 6
7Films 14 Stellenbosch Academy 4
The Riverbed 14
Abnormal 12
Grey Africa 10
Meta Media Publishing 10
Boomtown 8
Black River FC 6 6
Clearwater 4
McCann1886 4
Old Friends Young Talent 4
Think Creative Africa 4

Red & Yellow Creative School of Business ranked as the top educational institution with 74 points, followed by AAA School of Advertising (68 points), North-West University (61 points), Vega (52 points)  and the University of Johannesburg (32 points).

The Pendoring ranking points are awarded as follows: finalists receive 2 points each, craft certificates 4 points and gold craft winners 7 points. A silver Pendoring receives 8 points, a campaign silver gets 12 points, a gold Pendoring 10 points and a campaign gold 15 points. Campaign craft certificates receive 6 points each, while  campaign gold craft gets 10.5 points and the Prestigious Umpetha Award 20 points.

Transformation and multilingualism key to advertising industry growth and success

The Pendoring Awards have been on an incredible journey of transformation over the last few years. The awards has solidified its place as a South African nation-building project that aims to bring diverse people together through the celebration of creativity in all indigenous languages.

The endorsement received this year from UNESCO and the South African Commission for UNESCO goes a long way in positioning The Pendoring as a developmental language platform that aims to celebrate creativity in all of South Africa’s local languages.

Social media has been abuzz with positive feedback about the Pendoring Awards ceremony. The show featured hosts Hulisani Ravele and Schalk Bezuidenhout, speaking in their native languages throughout the show, while an on-stage electronic subtitle bar provided translations for all members of the audience. Resident Pendoring band, Bombshelter Beast, rendered a moving acoustic piece in the Khoekhoegowab/Nama language during the event. “Pendoring felt like a space for all South Africans. A truly African experience… it was one of the few times I felt I belonged in this industry,” said Melusi Tshabala of Everyday Zulu on Facebook.

Though the industry still has a long way to go in terms of transformation, Pendoring 2019 marked an exciting milestone for creatives who embrace change and spearhead transformation in advertising.

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