It's cicada time: How hungry are you?

It's cicada time: How hungry are you?

The cicadas are coming, as you've probably already heard. Or wait, they're already here.

And how good are they? Billions of cicadas are expected to emerge in the United States by the end of June, primarily in the Midwest, as a result of a rare overlap in the life cycles of two varieties (or broods) of cicadas.

Follow them here if you want to know where they have landed already. Read on to determine for yourself how appealing and safe cicada nibbling is if you're wondering if this cicada-palooza could help you with grocery expenses. The trade-offs can alter your perspective on the approaching swarm.

Information about cicadas
Fear not: most cicadas pose no threat to people. As an inexpensive source of protein and calories, their appearance is welcome in areas where people frequently consume them.

Up to two billion people are thought to consume insects regularly, mainly in South and Central America, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. When available, cicadas are among the most beloved insects. And in case you thought no one in the US ate cicadas, check out this clip from a baseball game in May 2024.

Do you want to consume cicadas?
Cicadas are not the preferred food of a large number of people. The idea of ​​consuming insects as food still bothers some people. This makes sense because our education has a huge impact on what we believe is appropriate when it comes to diet. Eating snakes is a common practice in China and Southeast Asia, which may bother some Americans. Meanwhile, several parts of normal Western cuisine (such as processed cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and root beer) are unpleasant to people outside the United States.

However, some people should avoid eating cicadas due to possible health risks.

What makes eating cicadas a good idea or not?
In many regions of the world it is common to eat cicadas since they are

Healthy: I'm told cicadas are affordable or free, include lots of protein, have minimal fat content, and taste good. They also contain several important amino acids. Its flavor has been described as nutty, lemony, smoky and somewhat crunchy.

Food recipes that incorporate cicadas also appear in the years when cicadas first appear.

However, there are a number of valid reasons not to include cicadas in your diet, such as the following:

There's really no way to get over the “ick” factor. Some people see nothing but horror in the concept of eating cicadas, but adventurous eaters may be open to the idea or even welcome it.

You don't like the consistency or the flavor.

They call you “cicada intolerant.” If they consume too many cicadas, some people experience nausea, diarrhea, or an upset stomach.

You have a small child, are pregnant or breastfeeding. It has been suggested that these cultures avoid eating cicadas due to concerns about even trace amounts of pesticides or other contaminants in them. This implies that the rest of us should avoid them too, right? At least so far, there is no evidence that the poisons found in cicadas are harmful to human health.

However, there is one more crucial item on this list: cicadas should not be consumed by people who are allergic to shellfish. Strange, huh?

The link between shellfish and cicadas
Biologically speaking, cicadas are connected to other shellfish, such as shrimp, crabs, and lobsters. Therefore, you may be allergic to cicadas if you have a shellfish allergy. The allergy is caused by a specific protein called tropomyosin. It is present in numerous insects, such as cicadas and shellfish.

After consuming cicadas, an allergic reaction occurs. You will not react simply by touching them or being in their presence.

Since up to 10% of people have a shellfish allergy and eating insects is common around the world, it may be more problematic for those with a shellfish allergy to experience an adverse reaction after consuming cicadas.

Is it acceptable for your cat or dog to consume cicadas?
After the cicadas appear, taking your dog for a walk can be a new and exciting experience for both of you! Dogs can chase and consume cicadas. If given the chance, cats could do it too. If your pet overeats, it could be a cause for concern because some may suffer from an upset stomach or have other digestive problems.

Although dogs are believed to be safe around cicadas, the American Kennel Club advises keeping dogs away from them once they have consumed some.

What other insects cause allergies?
It is common knowledge that insects can cause allergic reactions (think bee stings) and infections (think Lyme disease); However, the link between allergies and insects in food is relatively new.

Alpha-gal syndrome, in which a person bitten by specific ticks develops a meat allergy, is a recently identified disease. The sugar galactose-α-1,3-galactose, also known as alpha-gal, is the origin of the term and is present in a variety of meats, such as beef, lamb, pork and rabbit. The CDC estimates that since 2010, up to 450,000 Americans may have developed this medical condition.

There may still be more research to be discovered about the relationship between food allergies and insects, as there are not many comprehensive studies on the topic.

In summary
I'm not interested in eating cicadas. It is not because of the dangers. Shellfish have never given me any problems and most people don't seem to believe that eating cicadas poses much of a health risk. I'm not a very bold eater, so it just doesn't appeal to me.

However, we must be understanding with people who do want to eat cicadas as a snack. A good source of protein and calories are insects. It is not wrong to consume them just because it seems strange in the United States.

So go ahead and eat them if you like eating cicadas and don't have a shellfish allergy or any other reason not to! You might have a great summer this year.

Photo by Skyler Ewing

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