Israel’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 55

Israel’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 55

An extended ceasefire, attacks in the West Bank and Hamas’ invitation to Elon Musk – here are the most important news.

Here’s what you should know about Thursday’s situation: 30th of November2023:

Armistice, release of prisoners and prisoners

  • A few minutes before the end of the extended six-day ceasefire, Israel and Hamas agreed on Thursday extend further extend the ceasefire for at least another day.
  • The Israeli government said it had received a new list of prisoners in Gaza to be released on Thursday. The number of prisoners to be released was not specified.
  • Hamas released 16 prisoners in exchange for the release of 30 Palestinian prisoners of Israel on Wednesday. So far, 210 Palestinian prisoners and 97 Israeli prisoners have been released.
  • Among the prisoners released Wednesday was Israeli-American dual national Liat Beinin. US President Joe Biden expressed his determination to secure the release of Beinin’s husband.
  • Prominent Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi arrived in Ramallah on Thursday after his release from Ofer Prison.
  • Ruqayah Amro, one of the freedmen Palestinian prisoners told Al Jazeera’s Hoda Abdel-Hamid that female prisoners were threatened with sexual assault by Israeli guards.

Latest developments

  • According to the Wafa news agency, Israeli forces surrounded the Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank at dawn on Thursday. They also obstructed ambulances and questioned rescue workers.
  • At al-Nasr Children’s Hospital in northern Gaza, medical teams found partially decomposed bodies of five premature babies, Wafa reported on Wednesday.
  • Israeli forces shot and killed a 21-year-old Palestinian outside Ofer Prisonwest of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank at dawn on Thursday, Wafa reported.
  • Israeli forces on Wednesday killed two Palestinian minors – Adam Samer al-Ghoul, eight, and 15-year-old Basil Suleiman Abu al-Wafa – during a raid in Jenin in the north of the occupied West Bank. Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, condemned the eight-year-old’s killing, calling it a “cold-blooded execution”.
  • The US military’s Central Command said it shot down a drone from Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen on Wednesday.
  • On Wednesday, Hamas invited Tech boss Elon Musk witnesses the destruction in Gaza after his visit to Israel.


  • Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American member of the US Congress, called for a permanent ceasefire a vigil outside the White House. She added that temporary pauses in fighting are not enough to end the suffering of Palestinians.
  • On his third trip to the region since October 7, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Israel. He said the Biden administration would like one further expansion to halt the fighting between Israel and Hamas.
  • Israeli leaders reportedly maintain their stance on continuing the military operation in Gaza to “eliminate Hamas.” In his recent phone call with US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said military activity in the south of the enclave was “necessary”, according to the US website Axios.
  • The United Nations Security Council met on Wednesday discussed Israel-Palestine and the two-state solution.
  • As European Union talks on sanctions against Hamas progress, France said on Wednesday that the European Commission should consider sanctions against Israeli settlers who have attacked Palestinians in the West Bank.

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