Israel releases Palestinian women and children prisoners under Hamas deal

Israel releases Palestinian women and children prisoners under Hamas deal

Around 150 Palestinian prisoners and 50 civilian prisoners in Gaza are set to be released within four days under the Israel-Hamas deal.

Israel has released 39 captive women and children after Hamas released 13 civilian prisoners in return under a Qatar-brokered deal that includes a four-day ceasefire in Gaza.

Hundreds of Palestinians had gathered expectantly on Friday outside Ofer prison, where Israel had transferred those due to be released, while others gathered in Palestinian towns.

At 8pm local time (1800 GMT), two International Committee of the Red Cross buses were seen leaving Ofer.

According to the AFP news agency, 28 prisoners were released in the occupied West Bank and 11 others were taken to East Jerusalem, according to the NGO Palestinian Prisoners Club.

Marah Bakeer, who was among those released in Jerusalem, said she was informed this morning that she would be leaving prison.

She said Al Jazeera police conducted a DNA test and told her she would not be allowed to party after her release.

“I’m a little nervous and stunned; I can’t believe I’m out,” she said.

“The years in prison were hard,” Baker said. “But I have a strong personality … and faith in God.” Her family’s continued support helped her overcome “difficult times” during her eight years in prison, she added.

Feride Najeh, who was among the prisoners released in Beitunia, told Al Jazeera she was “very happy” with the deal.

“We haven’t eaten anything since this morning,” said Najeh, who was serving a three-year prison sentence. “They kidnapped us by force and didn’t take our belongings.”

“I am very happy with this deal. I would like to thank the people of Gaza for their resistance.”

As part of the agreement between Israel and Hamas, thirteen Israeli prisoners were released, including people with dual nationality.

According to the Qatari Foreign Ministry, which brokered the separate agreement, at least 10 Thai nationals and one Filipino were released under a different framework.

The Red Cross has confirmed the release 24 civilian prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

Under the Israel-Hamas deal, a total of 150 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons and 50 civilian prisoners held by Hamas are to be released within four days, pausing fighting in Gaza.

Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from outside Ofer prison, said Israeli forces fired volleys of tear gas at the gathered crowds.

Among those gathered at the prison, a woman Al Jazeera spoke to said she had come all the way from Tulkarem, a town near the border with Israel to the west.

Along the way, she was “stopped at an Israeli military checkpoint and subjected to intense interrogation,” Stratford said, “illustrating the difficulties Palestinians face regarding freedom of movement in the occupied territories.”

“Another father of a 17-year-old boy … said he would not celebrate the release because so many thousands of people had been, in his words, ‘martyred’ in the lead-up to this deal,” Stratford said. “So I’m emphasizing the mixed feelings here again.”

About 8,000 Palestinians remain in Israeli prisons, including 3,000 who were detained in the last seven weeks amid increasing Israeli crackdowns across the West Bank.

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