Is the new contraceptive pill Opill good for you?

Is the new contraceptive pill Opill good for you?

Answers to frequently asked questions about the FDA-approved over-the-counter birth control pill

Birth control pills have been used safely in the United States for more than 50 years and are only available by prescription. Last summer, the FDA cleared Opill, the first over-the-counter daily contraceptive pill. This provides a new over-the-counter alternative to preventing pregnancy for a much larger number of people.

Opill may be available as soon as 2024, although the specific timing and price are unknown. Here’s what interested adults, parents and children should know.


What exactly is Opill and how does it work?

Opill is a progestin-only birth control pill. That is, it prevents conception through the use of a single hormone called progestin (or norgestrel). Operates by

  • alter ovulation to prevent monthly egg production from the ovaries.
  • Thickening of the cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from accessing the egg.
  • alter the lining of the uterus in a way that prevents implantation of a fertilized egg.

To what extent does Opill work to prevent pregnancy?

It depends on your level of consistency in taking Opill.

Sticking to a consistent daily schedule for drug use constitutes “perfect use.” Opill is 98% effective when used correctly. This implies that two or fewer people would become pregnant if 100 people took the medication exactly as prescribed. However, taking a tablet perfectly can be difficult.

The average effectiveness of a method in preventing pregnancy when used by real people in real life is called typical use. It takes into account the fact that people sometimes use the medication inconsistently, perhaps missing a dose or not taking it at the same time every day. Opill’s effectiveness is 91% when used as prescribed. This means that after one year, nine out of every 100 people who use Opill but do not take it as prescribed could become pregnant.

It is also essential to understand that certain medications can compromise Opill’s ability to prevent pregnancy. These include medications to treat seizures and migraines. This birth control pill will be sold without a prescription, but you should check with your doctor to see if any medications you take now could interfere with its effectiveness.

How is Opill taken?
Take one at the same time every day until the entire pack is gone.
It is important to maintain a regular schedule every day. With progestin-only medications, such as Opill, timing is important because the drug raises progestin levels. However, progestin only continues to rise for a full day after each dose. After that, the progestin level will return to normal.

The next day, you should start a new 28-day box of pills as soon as possible.

What happens if a dose is missed or not taken at the scheduled time?

The pill’s ability to prevent pregnancy will be decreased if you take it after three hours.
As soon as you remember, take the medicine you forgot.
For the next 48 hours, every time you have sex, you will need to use a backup method of birth control, such as condoms.

Is it safe for teenagers to use Opill?
Most people who have the potential to become pregnant, including teenagers, can safely use the pill. Nothing in the data suggests that safety or side effects for adolescents differ from those for adults.

Opill is safe for people up to 15 years old, according to research by the company. It will be accessible to anyone regardless of age.

Which contraceptive option is best for teens who use it?
Not all adolescents need to use the same contraceptive method. The approach that a teenager is likely to find most personally appealing and follow is best.

Opill may not be the best choice for teenagers or anyone else who finds it difficult to take their medications at the same time every day. Fortunately, there are several solutions available to suit different needs and interests when it comes to contraception.

Visit the Center for Young Women’s Health website to learn more about the many forms of contraception.

What side effects of Opill are typical?
Progesterone-only medications are usually associated with minimal side effects. The most typical side effects are:

  • Unexpected vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • headache
  • Acne
  • gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and abdominal pain; changes in appetite.

Opill does not cause cancer or difficulties conceiving in the future. Birth control pills that mix progesterone and estrogen do not increase the risk of blood clots.

Will Opill alter my mood in any way?
There isn’t much research on how progestin-only medications might affect mood, so this is uncertain. What we do know is that most hormonal contraceptive users do not report experiencing depressive symptoms.

Fortunately, there are several options for a reliable contraceptive method. Consult your healthcare provider if a certain method causes unpleasant side effects. You can determine together if another form of birth control might be more effective for you.

Is it suitable as emergency contraception?
No, it is not intended to be a birth control method of last resort (Emergency birth control).

Regarding STIs, what should you know?

you can’t help sexually transmitted infections (STI) like syphilis, gonorrheaeither chlamydia by using this contraceptive method.

Every time you have sex, you can reduce your risk of getting STIs by using condoms properly. Condoms come in two varieties: one designed for the vagina and one for the penis.

Certain STIs, including hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV), can be prevented in part by vaccination. PrEP is a medicine that can help prevent HIV. For more information about the best decisions for you, consult your medical team.

What is the price and availability of Opill?
The manufacturer sets the price and availability schedule of the drug. The FDA approved it with the expectation that it would go on sale in early 2024. Regarding the precise date or approximate cost of the drug, no information has been made public.

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