Introduction to bird flu: what you should know and do

Introduction to bird flu: what you should know and do

A strain of bird flu that started extending in 2020 continues to change both locally and globally in the United States. If you’re not sure what this entails, it may be helpful to learn the basics of bird flu. These include what it is, how it spreads, whether the food is safe or not, and protection tips. As scientists discover more, additional details will become available, so stay tuned.

1. How does bird flu spread and what is its definition?
Bird flu, sometimes known as bird flu,It is a disease that develops spontaneously. Influenza A viruses frequently spread among wild birds, much like some flu viruses do among humans. The H5N1 virus strain is now in circulation and is named after two proteins found on its surface.

Bird flu is extremely contagious. Coastal birds such as plovers and sandpipers, as well as wild waterfowl such as ducks, geese and gulls, are often the first to become infected. Viruses are shed through feces, mucus and saliva and carried to the intestines and respiratory tract. Domestic birds, including ducks, turkeys, and chickens, are easily infected by wild birds.

Ducks are among the bird species that can transmit the disease without showing symptoms. Bird flu is more likely to sicken and even kill domestic flocks. But not all bird flu viruses are equally dangerous.

  • In domestic birds, low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) may result in no symptoms or moderate symptoms such as fewer eggs or ruffled feathers.
  • Poultry infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) It has higher mortality rates and more serious illnesses. Currently, the H5N1 virus is classified as HPAI.

2. Can people get bird flu?

Yes, however, it usually doesn’t work that way.

Influenza viruses have the potential to spread from their initial hosts, birds, to humans and other animals through mutations. At the time of writing this article, there have been two documented cases of bird flu in humans in the United States from 2022.

He mouth, nose or eyes All can be entry points for infection. You could breathe in the viral part 4. What are experts’ concerns about the bird flu outbreak?

It may seem strange that bird flu has been the subject of so much news coverage and alarm recently. After all, bird flu has been around for a while. It has long been recognized that it occasionally infects animals other than birds, such as humans.

However, there are a few reasons why the current outbreak is different and concerning:
For example, they are found in the form of dust, small aerosol particles, or droplets in the air. Or they could come into contact with a virus-contaminated surface and then touch their nose or eyes. Human avian flu usually presents with fever, runny nose, and body aches, as well as seasonal flu.

3. What animals are affected by bird flu?

The animals affected by the current H5NI avian flu epidemic are surprisingly numerous and include:

wildlife, including Milky cows in nine states at the time of this writing, chickens, ducks, geeseand other domestic and commercial poultry in 48 states and more than 500 countries. Wild creatures such as foxes, skunks and raccoons; some domestic animals such as farm cats; and marine species such as seals, sea ​​lionsand even dolphins.

4. What are experts’ concerns regarding the bird flu outbreak?
It may seem strange that bird flu has been the subject of so much news coverage and alarm recently. After all, bird flu has been around for a while. It has long been recognized that it occasionally infects animals other than birds, such as humans.

However, there are a few reasons why the current outbreak is different and concerning:

Rapid and expansive diffusion. Numerous nations in sub-Saharan Africa, the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and even Antarctica have all reported cases of the virus.

There are numerous species affected. Species that were not previously affected, including those in our food chain, have been affected.

Economic implications. There could be a significant financial impact on farmers, agriculture-related businesses and the economy of affected countries if a significant number of dairy and beef cows, as well as poultry, become ill or need to be culled to control outbreaks. . The grocery store may charge more as a result of this.

Possibility of death. Since 2003, severe bird flu viruses have caused H5N1 illnesses in around 900 people in 23 countries. Of these documented incidents, more than half were fatal. Remember that arithmetic is not simple. The lethality of bird flu is probably exaggerated because there are probably many more human cases, but those who had few or no symptoms or who were not tested were not counted.

New mutations. Unlikely, but not impossible: H5N1 bird flu could become the next human pandemic if mutations allow efficient human-to-human transmission.

There are exposure opportunities. The more exposed humans are to bird flu, the more likely the virus will mutate to facilitate transmission to humans, although only two cases of human infections have been recorded in the US in recent years, both related to People who worked with animals.

5. Is the rest of our food supply safe, including milk, beef and poultry?
Public health experts emphasize food safety.

However, it makes sense that since it was discovered that this outbreak has spread, for the first time, from birds to dairy cows, anxiety has increased. Even more worrying? One study found that 20% commercially available milk in the US contained traces of bird flu DNA, which is not the same as an active virus.

Therefore, there is no evidence that bird flu present in pasteurized milk, beef or other everyday foods can infect humans. Research indicates that Regular pasteurization would eliminate any live bird flu virus. which could inadvertently enter the milk supply. The virus was not detected in ground beef in early testing.

Of course, you can stay away from foods and drinks that come from animals infected with bird flu if you are extremely concerned. For example, you can switch to almond or oat milk, although there is no solid scientific evidence to support this yet.

6. What if you have pets or work with animals?
Pets rarely get bird flu. While this is fantastic news, there is a chance your dogs could come into contact with animals sick with bird flu if they consume or play with dead birds. Therefore, limiting your pet’s exposure to potentially sick animals is the safest course of action.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of contracting bird flu if you hunt or work with animals, especially poultry or birds.

7. How else can you ensure your safety?
The CDC recommends people take the following Precautions to avoid contracting bird flu.:

Keep pets away from sick or dead animals and avoid coming into contact with them.

Stay away from animal droppings that have been exposed to bird droppings or pollution, as is often the case on farms.

Raw foods should not be prepared or consumed.

Avoid eating raw (unpasteurized) milk, raw milk cheese, and raw or undercooked foods from animals that may be infected with bird flu.

Use personal protective equipment (PPE) when working near sick or deceased animals or their excrement, such as safety glasses, gloves, and an N95 mask.

At the moment, there is not enough data to justify more drastic preventive measures, including a complete plant-based diet.

8. Is there any positive news about bird flu?
Even with all the alarming information about bird flu, this current outbreak may not pose much of a risk to human health. Mutations in virus strains can make them less lethal or less effective at spreading. In an attempt to stop the transmission of bird flu to people, More dairy cattle are being tested. before being transported across state lines, and sick or exposed animals are being removed from the food chain.

Also, there is more positive news:

It seems that some Birds are becoming immune to the virus.. This can reduce the chance that birds and other animals will continue to spread.

So far no evidence of human-to-human transmission has been found. As a result, the likelihood of H5N1 bird flu becoming the next pandemic has decreased.

Additionally, scientists are developing human vaccines against bird flu use virus strains that closely resemble those causing the current outbreak in case human infections from bird flu become more widespread.

9. How worried should you be about bird flu?
Although there is still much we don’t know, one thing is clear: farmers and medical professionals will struggle to stay ahead of the spread of bird flu as it continues to evolve. Public health specialists now consider that avian flu poses little risk to the health of the general public.

Therefore, there is no need to be alarmed about bird flu. However, it is a good idea to use common sense to protect yourself and stay up to date with relevant news.

Visit the CDC website for up-to-date information in the United States.

Photo from Pixabay

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