International arrivals in SA reached 7.6 million in 2023 as travel momentum increases | Life

International arrivals in SA reached 7.6 million in 2023 as travel momentum increases   | Life

More international arrivals recorded in South Africa in 2023.

  • SA’s tourism is recovering, with 7.6 million international arrivals recorded by November 2023.
  • Neighbouring countries saw significant tourism growth as well, thanks to simplified visas and effective marketing.
  • The Americas, particularly the USA, showed a 44.1% increase, while European arrivals grew by 43.2%.  
  • For more lifestyle news, go to the News24 Life front page.

Recent data released by Statistics South Africa revealed that tourism is picking up in South Africa, having recorded 7.6 million international arrivals in the country by November 2023.

From January to November 2023, South Africa saw 51.8% increase in international tourist arrivals, compared to the same period in 2022, indicating a steady recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

While the figures represent a positive sign for the nation’s tourism sector, the data still stands 17.6% lower than the same period in 2019.

African continent welcomed more visitors

According to the tourism department, South Africa welcomed 5.8 million visitors from the rest of the continent by November 2023, accounting for 75.5% of all arrivals, compared to the same period in the previous year.

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Zimbabwe saw noticeable growth, with a 77.5% increase in tourist arrivals, while Kenya recorded a 94.2% surge for the first 11 months of the year.

Expressing satisfaction with Africa’s travel trajectory, Tourism Minister Patricia de Lille said Kenya’s impressive growth was attributed to simplified visa regulations and effective marketing campaigns.

“I am so pleased by these numbers from the rest of the African continent. We view the region as very significant and important.

“Kenya’s remarkable performance can be attributed to the strategic decision by government to simplify the visa regime earlier this year as well as targeted and effective insights-driven marketing campaigns,” she said.

Americans dominate

Tourist arrivals from the Americas showed increased improvement, recording a 44.1% growth from January to November 2023, compared to the same period in 2022.

The United States of America dominated with 320 948 arrivals, a 39.5% increase.

“The US remains a top international source market for South Africa and has been recording robust steady growth in arrivals in 2023. Based on our December projections, we anticipate recording our 2019 pre-pandemic arrivals well ahead of the forecasted recovery mooted for the 2024/2025 financial year,” De Lille added.

Europe demonstrates strength

South Africa welcomed 1.1 million European tourist arrivals between January and November 2023, marking a 43.2% increase compared to the same period in 2022.

Among European arrivals in South Africa, the UK remains dominant. This was followed by Germany and the Netherlands. Russia saw an 83.9% growth, with 25 116 arrivals.

“Europe continues to show strong growth and recovery when compared to the same period in 2022.  Notably, the Netherlands has achieved 90% of 2019 arrivals, solidifying their position as the fourth largest international market behind the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Germany.

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“This recovery can be attributed to consistent efforts to showcase South Africa as a welcoming, responsible tourism destination, highlighting experiences that align with intrepid, green economy conscious travellers,” said De Lille.

Asian markets show noteworthy growth

Between January and November 2023, Asian markets showed growth trends, with a total of 182 497 arrivals from the region, marking a 72.6% increase.

India led the way, with 73 037 arrivals, followed by China, which recorded a 215.7% surge, totalling 34 669 visitors to South Africa.

More arrivals from the Middle East

The Middle East saw solid gains, with a 37.5% growth in arrivals from January to November 2023, compared to the same period in 2022.

Notable increases were seen from Saudi Arabia, with 40.9%, and the United Arab Emirates, recording a remarkable 114.2% growth.

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