Infinite Storm movie review

Infinite Storm movie review

Infinite Storm is a movie about a woman named Pam Bales. She woke up and packed all of her hiking gear. Afterwards, she went to see a friend whose dog she loved very much. Knowing that she was going hiking, her friend reminded her of the lack of telephone network coverage in the mountains. Jokingly, she said, “Do you want to be my date?”

Pam believed that mountains always listen without responding and sought comfort in their presence. As she drove up the mountain, she listened to country music and found solace in its lyrics. When the song mentioned “Love will find you,” she echoed the sentiment, stating, “Love will find me, fam.”

When he reached the entrance, he met a man and a woman. They had a brief conversation and she asked them if there was anyone on the mountain. They said, “No, just us.” The couple left and then she began her journey along a path of running water. It was early in the morning and there was morning dew and fog.

He walked along a snowy path full of trees and leaves. She talked to herself as she walked.

He reached a point and took off his jacket, tied it around his waist and continued forward.

He took a few steps towards an area of ​​loose stones and almost fell, but managed to catch himself. She sat for a while. It was 8:55 am. She kept going. As she continued her journey, it became increasingly difficult as she approached areas filled with more snow.

From time to time, he would get up and look at the beautiful view. It was windy but she kept going.

He decided to take another break. She was wearing her shoe chains and pouring herself some hot drink, but when he looked the other way, the mountain was so covered in fog that he could barely see anything.

He put his jacket back on and sat down to feel the breeze. There was a sign that said “Stop: White Mountain National Forest.”

Continuing forward, oblivious to the sign in front of her, she continued on. Thick snowflakes fell around her, obscuring her vision. In the midst of the heavy snowfall, she heard the faint sound of a scream, although the origin of it remained uncertain. Whistles and other noises echoed across the snowy landscape, but undeterred, she continued her journey.

At 10:53 a scream was heard. “Shit.” As he walked, he saw footsteps and said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” A woman shouted “hello” and a whistle was heard. She followed the steps and kept going.

Then he fell into a hole. The snow parted and she fell into it. She was in pain and her face was already turning red. She tried to climb up, but it was very difficult. She did her best and pushed herself to the top of the hole, and she almost managed to get out of it when she fell back into the hole. This time she went deeper and she was covered in more snow, struggling to breathe as more snow entered the hole.

At this time, he had scratched his fingers, had bruises, and was already weak. She wasn’t exactly a young woman. She lay inside the hole and watched the snow cover itself when she saw two shadows and began to remember her daughters, and then she began to try again. As she did so, she said, “Come on, Pam.” She perked up and finally came out.

She crawled out and let out a loud scream. She tried to drink from her water bottle, but she was frozen. She picked up a fallen wooden stick and placed it over the hole so that another person wouldn’t fall into it.

He started shouting “Hello, hello”, trying to look for the people who were whistling, but everything was covered in snow, the wind was blowing and the weather was bad.

He walked and then came across a man sitting still. He was halfway there and he was so cold and frozen, but he was still alive. She asked his name, but there was no response. She told him that she would call him John. She took off his socks and put another pair on him. She took off his shorts and dressed him. She told him that she would get him out of there.

She began to take him down the mountain. Around 1:38 p.m., they were still walking, but the guy didn’t have much strength to keep going. At some point he fell, but she helped him up. His steps were so shaky that he fell again.

He wanted to give up. She spoke to him and said, “I won’t leave you,” and around 1:09 p.m., they were still walking.

She asked him if he had been drinking, doing drugs or taking mushrooms, but he tried to run away because he didn’t know what was going on.

At 2:57 pm, they were still walking, and John ran to the edge and said, “Jump,” but before he did, she said, “No, don’t,” he shouted, “I told you no.” can not.”

She looked and saw that he was still alive and tried to help him.

At 3:30 pm, he started eating snow and she tried to stop him and told him not to eat snow. She asked him if there was anyone waiting for him and he said his cat. They started moving again, but this time her leg hurt because of her fall.
He kept saying he couldn’t, even as she tried to cover his wound.

At 5:30 pm, they were still walking, John stopped to rest and started rolling, but she followed him and caught up with him. He told her that she was done and that she couldn’t continue any further. He became aggressive and said, “Fuck off and leave me alone,” but she encouraged him and said, “I can’t.”

They approached the water and, as they crossed, he fell in. At 6:10 pm she couldn’t find him and that made her cry because she was already about to leave the mountainous area.

She thought she heard footsteps and started calling him but got no response. She walked along a shallow water path in search of him. She walked and then found him clinging to a rock. She told him, “I’ve got you, John, I’m here.”

She picked him up and they both fell, but she did her best. She took out some water that he was already drinking and dragged him out of the flowing river. She got a little angry and said, “You’re an idiot. I told you it was slippery.” She hit him and he then said, “Don’t do that, or I’ll hit you back,” and she started laughing and said, you’re back a bit.

They walked to the end and then saw a car and started calling, but there was no answer. John became frustrated and screamed at the top of his lungs. They were off the mountain and were already tired, so they stood in the middle of the road, disappointed.

Returning to her car with him in tow, she told him to wait outside while she unlocked the vehicle. However, when she got inside and held the door open for him to join her, he ran to another car, quickly started the engine and sped away from her. Frantically, she shouted, “Hey, hey,” in a futile attempt to stop her from fleeing, but the vehicle continued to accelerate, leaving her alone, with the time being almost 11:26 p.m.

He returned home feeling a mixture of tiredness and disappointment. When she arrived, she relieved herself and then tried to walk, but fatigue overcame her, forcing her to sit in the hallway. Feeling the cold of the night, she took off her shirt and sat on the floor near the refrigerator, consuming food and drink in silence.

When fatigue overcame her, she finally fell asleep and rested on the floor. Later, she found solace in a warm shower, despite the pain in her body. Exhausted, she returned to bed but could find no rest and headed to the living room.

In a moment of vulnerability, tears ran down her face as she held onto the memories of her children. Lost in emotion, she struggled with her experiences, seeking solace in the quiet of the night.

When he woke up, he turned on the radio and found out about the rescue he had carried out in the mountain. She returned to the mountain to admire the view once again and walk. Returning home and making tea, she noticed a man approaching her house in a car. He expressed his gratitude for his actions, mentioning that many people wanted to thank him. They had coffee together at his house.

He said he had some questions for her. Although the questions were a bit strange, she didn’t really care. She asked him if she had spoken to John, but she hadn’t, so she gave him her address. She drove to the location and found John sitting there. He returned the jacket and pants she had given him in the mountains.

She told him she didn’t know his name and he replied, “John is fine.” But as they talked, they both revealed shocking experiences about each other.

This true story about Pam Bales reminds us that life has many complexities and that people can carry burdens that others do not see.

Her journey had tested her resilience and compassion, revealing her inner strength. Despite her challenges, she found purpose and resilience that guided her forward.

Release date: March 25, 2022 (US)
Content Rating: R
Genre: Drama · Suspense
Directed by Malgorzata Szumowska · Michal Englert
Written by Joshua Rollins · Pam Bales
Produced by Jenny Halper · Celine Rattray · Mike Sobiloff · Peter Sobiloff · Trudie Styler · Naomi Watts
Production company: Maven Screen

Media · JamTart P

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