Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital in ruins after Israeli raid, days-long siege

Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital in ruins after Israeli raid, days-long siege

Nurses recall horror at the Israeli attack, interrogations and saying soldiers beat and humiliated them when they refused to leave patients behind.

The Indonesian hospitalone of the largest health facilities in the northern Gaza Strip, was so badly damaged in Israeli attacks that it may never reopen.

On Saturday, Munir al-Bursh, director general of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, told Al Jazeera: “We are shocked and horrified by the scenes left by Israeli forces in the Indonesian hospital.”

Israeli tanks and snipers had besieged the hospital in Beit Lahia for days before targeting and raiding the main generator in the early hours of Friday morning, just a year ago four-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas came into force.

The ministry said on Friday that the hospital was under “heavy bombardment” by the Israeli army and feared for the lives of 200 injured people and medical staff. It added that heavy Israeli fire killed one wounded woman and injured at least three others.

The hospital is now in ruins and overcrowded with a large number of injured due to a lack of medical supplies. “Corridors have become wards and surgeons operate on the floor,” said Al Jazeera’s Osama Bin Javaid, who gained access to the facility.

“Outside the hospital building, the stench of death forces people to cover their noses as charred and rotting bodies, including children, pile up in the corners. No burials have taken place for days because Israeli snipers targeted anyone who dared to dig a grave,” he said.

Anas al-Sharif, one of the few remaining journalists in the north of the Gaza Strip, reported from the hospital after the raid: “The occupation forces have damaged and destroyed large parts of the hospital.” There was great destruction here. Even equipment and supplies were destroyed by the occupying forces.”

Recalling the horror of the Israeli attack and questioning of hospital staff, one nurse told Al Jazeera: “When they stormed the hospital, we told them we were nurses, civilians and that we had children and sick people here.”

“They interrogated me and three other nurses. They asked me about the resistance and whether there were any fighters here. They asked about the entrances and exits of the hospital. We were all in a panic. We were very scared,” she added.

Another nurse recalled how Israeli forces used a rocket to attack the fourth floor of the facility, knocking out the buildings’ electricity and solar power.

“We had 25 people with broken pelvises who couldn’t be moved. They blew up that entrance and shot the patients inside. They searched us one by one, scanning everyone’s faces. I told them I was a nurse,” the emergency room nurse told Al Jazeera.

“They took me to this corner, beat me and asked me a lot of questions about the hospital, the Israeli prisoners and hostages – whether I knew anything about them. Every question was accompanied by a slap in the face.

“After they left, we could have left, but I promised that I would never leave my patients alone and that I would be the last to leave this hospital,” the nurse said.

Hundreds of displaced people had previously applied for asylum in the hospital, which is also located near the Jabalia refugee camp.

Because the facility has been out of operation for weeks and the damage is severe, it remains unclear whether it will ever reopen.

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