Friday’s weather: Alerts for thunderstorms in 5 provinces, partly cloudy and warm to hot across SA | News24

Friday’s weather: Alerts for thunderstorms in 5 provinces, partly cloudy and warm to hot across SA | News24

The South African Weather Service has warmed of severe thunderstorms across a number of provinces.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The South African Weather Service has warned of severe thunderstorms and damaging winds that are expected to hit five provinces as partly cloudy and warm to hot weather is forecast for the rest of the country. 

Impact-based warnings

A Yellow Level 2 warning has been issued for severe thunderstorms with strong damaging winds, and heavy downpours that could lead to localised damage and flooding of roads, settlements (formal and informal), low-lying areas and/or bridges.

Storms are expected in place over the northern and eastern interior of the Eastern Cape, south-eastern parts of the Northern Cape, south-western part of the Free State, western parts of KwaZulu-Natal, and the Mpumalanga highveld.

A Yellow Level 2 warning has been issued for damaging winds that could result in difficult driving conditions over the southern part of the Northern Cape.

Fire danger warning

Extremely high fire danger conditions are expected in places over the interior of the Northern Cape, the Central Karoo and Little Karoo in the Western Cape, as well as the south-western parts of the Free State province.


Extremely hot and uncomfortable conditions are expected over Central Karoo and Little Karoo in the Western Cape as well as the western interior of the Eastern Cape.

The weather in your province 

Gauteng will be cloudy in the morning, otherwise partly cloudy and warm but hot in the extreme north with isolated afternoon showers and thundershowers.

The expected UVB sunburn index is extreme.

It will be cloudy in the eastern parts of Mpumalanga, otherwise partly cloudy and warm conditions are expected with isolated thundershowers, except in the lowveld where it will be hot.

Limpopo can expect partly cloudy and warm to hot conditions, becoming cloudy along the southern escarpment where isolated thundershowers can be expected.

Partly cloudy, windy and hot conditions are expected in the North West, with isolated to scattered showers and thundershowers, except over the north-eastern parts of the province.

The Free State will be cloudy with morning fog patches over the extreme east at first, otherwise it will be partly cloudy, windy and warm to hot with isolated to scattered showers and thundershowers.

Cloudy and cool conditions are expected along the coast in the Northern Cape in the morning, otherwise it will be fine, windy and warm to hot but very hot with isolated to scattered showers and thundershowers except over the south-western parts of the province.

The wind along the coast will be light north-westerly in the early morning, otherwise moderate to fresh south-westerly to southerly.

It will be cloudy along the west coast and adjacent interior of the Western Cape at first, otherwise fine and warm to hot, but very hot to extremely hot conditions can be expected over the eastern interior. It will become cloudy in the south-west from the evening with light rain overnight.

The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh northerly to north-westerly north of Table Bay in the morning otherwise moderate to fresh south-westerly to westerly. It will be fresh to strong easterly along the south coast in the morning.

The expected UVB sunburn index is extreme.

Morning fog patches are expected in places over the western half of the Eastern Cape in the morning, otherwise it will be partly cloudy and very hot to extremely hot with isolated showers and thundershowers over the interior, but scattered in the north-east. It will be warm to hot along the coast.

The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh north-easterly, becoming strong to near gale force easterly in the afternoon.

The eastern half of the province can expect morning fog and drizzle in places south of the escarpment, otherwise it will be partly cloudy and warm to hot, but very hot in the west. It will become cloudy with scattered showers and thundershowers from midday.

The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh north-easterly, becoming strong in the afternoon, reaching gale force in places from late afternoon.

KwaZulu-Natal will be partly cloudy and warm with isolated showers and thundershowers but scattered in the west.

The wind along the coast will be gentle westerly to south-westerly in the south at first, otherwise moderate to fresh north-easterly.

The expected UVB sunburn index is extreme.

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