‘Filled with fear’: Former Hong Kong student leader seeks UK asylum

‘Filled with fear’: Former Hong Kong student leader seeks UK asylum

Tony Chung was released in June after serving a prison sentence under the security law, but said he was living under constant pressure from authorities.

Tony Chung, the former leader of a Hong Kong independence group who was jailed under the territory’s national security law, has fled to Britain, saying his life in Hong Kong was “filled with fear.”

Chung, who was 20 when he was convicted three and a half years in prison in 2021 after pleading guilty, “secessionA social media post said he flew from Japan to the UK and arrived in London on the evening of December 27, where he “officially requested political asylum” upon entry.

He shared a picture of himself arriving in the UK with his suitcase.

“Although I had expected this day in the past, I still felt heavy after making the decision,” wrote Chung, who led the now-defunct Studentlocalism group as a teenager. “Since I joined the political struggle at the age of 14, I have always believed that Hong Kong is the only home of our Hong Kong nation and we should never be the ones to leave.”

Beijing imposed the national security law in Hong Kong in mid-2020 after large and sometimes violent pro-democracy protests rocked the territory the previous year, claiming the law was necessary to restore stability. The law punishes activities deemed subversion, secession, collaboration with foreign forces, and extremism with up to life in prison and has led to hundreds of arrests. Others, including elected politicians, activists and journalists, have gone into exile.

Chung said he was released from prison in June 2023 but must report to authorities regularly.

“Since I have had no income from any work for the past six months, the national security police officers have repeatedly coerced and persuaded me to join them,” Chung wrote on Facebook, saying the situation had affected his physical and mental health impacted.

Frances Hui, policy and advocacy coordinator of the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation, explained the situation [names and contact info]where they met [and] what they talked about. They also gained access to his bank statements, financial aid applications, etc…”

The officials also offered him money to “snitch on others” and mentioned arranging a trip to China, she added.

Chung said he also signed a document prohibiting him from disclosing his contacts with the national security police, meaning he could not ask for help from a lawyer, and that he was convinced that his civil liberties would never be violated despite serving his prison sentence would be restored.

“Every time I was interviewed by national security personnel, I was filled with fear,” he wrote. “I was afraid that they would accuse me of endangering national security and ask me to prove my innocence.”

Chung decided to convince the prison authorities to allow him to travel abroad for Christmas and submitted plane tickets to Okinawa, accommodation and other information to obtain the necessary permits.

After seeking advice from people and organizations in the United States, Britain and Canada on the southern Japanese island, he decided it was best for him to travel to the United Kingdom.

A number of prominent activists and politicians have been granted asylum in London, while the UK has given all Hong Kongers with British National Overseas (BNO) status the right to settle Path to citizenship.

Hong Kong police have offered “bounties” for more than a dozen Hong Kong activists living abroadSteve Li, chief commissioner of the police’s national security department, claimed: “They have all betrayed their own country and Hong Kong.”

Hong Kong was a British colony for more than a century until 1997, and the British government says the security law violates treaty commitments Beijing made before it regained sovereignty.

Writing on

Chung said he plans to continue his studies and reiterated his commitment to democracy.

“As long as the people of Hong Kong never give up, the seeds of freedom and democracy will one day sprout again,” he wrote.

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