Family staying over? Here’s how to prioritise your sleep this festive season | Life

Family staying over? Here’s how to prioritise your sleep this festive season | Life

Expert tips to help you prioritise sleep this festive season.

  • Good quality sleep is essential for your health and well-being.
  • Prioritising your sleep can be difficult during the festive season, especially if you have family staying over or if you’re travelling.
  • Restonic’s Dale Harley shares tips to help you get a good night’s rest whether you’re at home or on the go.

By now, we already know that getting enough quality sleep greatly benefits our health and well-being. But during the festive season, we may find ourselves in situations where our sleep routines are compromised. This could be because you have family staying over, or perhaps you’re travelling a lot and not sleeping in your own bed.

“At Restonic SA, we talk about making sleep your superpower because sleep has the power to affect – and improve – every area of our lives,” says Dale Harley, sales and marketing executive at Restonic, in a press statement.

“By ensuring you and your family get sufficient sleep during the festive season, you can maximise the smiles and minimise grumpiness.”

Below, the Restonic team shares a few tips to help you prioritise sleep this festive season.

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Good sleep while hosting guests

If you have friends and family staying over, start by figuring out the sleeping arrangements. And then, try to put yourself in your guests’ shoes.

“Spend a night in your spare room to understand what your guests will experience,” advises Harley.

“You’re not going to know if the mattress is sagging or the sheets are scratchy unless you’ve slept there yourself. Mattresses need replacing every seven years or so. Also, look at things like whether the curtains or the blinds block out enough light and whether you can make the space more comfortable by adding a fan, extra pillows or better bedside lighting.”

Once your guests are sorted, spend time assessing your own bedroom, turning it into a sanctuary where you can find rest when you need to take a break from hosting. 

“Take the time to make it feel restful and cosy, to check your bed is still meeting your needs, and intentionally enjoy the time you spend there. This will help you to protect your sanity when your home starts to feel a bit crowded,” says Harley.

Sleeping while travelling

Many people have poor sleep when travelling due to something known as the “first night effect”. This is because when you’re in a new environment, your brain is naturally more alert. But there are things you can do to make your sleep more peaceful while travelling.

Planning is essential here. Ensure you’re well rested before your trip – don’t compromise your sleep the night before, hoping to make up for it during a flight. Resting is especially important if you’re taking a long drive.

Getting quality sleep the night before a trip can help get things off to a good start the next day.

If you want to sleep on a plane or as a passenger in a car, take a comfortable travel pillow and consider getting noise-cancelling headphones to help create a relaxing environment.

If you’re travelling internationally (across multiple time zones), shifting your bedtime leading up to your trip may be helpful to prep your body.

“When you get to your destination, try to shift your internal body clock by making the most of sunshine during the day and blocking out any light in the room you’re sleeping in at night,” says Harley.

“This helps to maintain healthy circadian rhythms – the cycle that controls your waking and sleeping.”

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Set yourself up for good sleep

Make sure the room you’re staying in is not too hot, as this could disrupt your sleep.

When travelling, take your pillow with you, if possible.

“Not only is it familiar, but if you have a good pillow, it will provide the right comfort and support, allowing you to get a better night’s sleep,” says Harley.

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