Ethiopia: INSA Aggressively Defending Nation’s Cyber Space

Ethiopia: INSA Aggressively Defending Nation’s Cyber Space

Addis Ababa — Information Network Security Administration (INSA) has been effectively defending Ethiopia’s cyber-space from the ever growing cyber-attacks.

This was disclosed at the launching ceremony of the first National Cyber Security Awareness Survey findings today as part of 4th National Cyber Security Month being underway since last two weeks with various events.

On the occasion, Government Communication Service Minister, Legesse Tulu said the country has been able to effectively thwart several cyber-attacks due to the crucial measures being taken by INSA in the area of cyber security.

Many countries have prioritized strengthening their cyber security capabilities in order to protect national interests in the international arena, Legesse noted.

He emphasized the importance of advancing cyber protection capacities and institutions within our own country as well.

Doing so will allow us to maximize the social, political, and diplomatic benefits of cyber space across all sectors, the minister said.

Overall, enhancing cyber security is crucial for safeguarding national interests, upholding domestic institutions, and harnessing the full potential of the digital domain.

Ethiopia’s cyber security forces have successfully defended against over 97 percent of cyber-attacks in the first quarter of current fiscal year, according to INSA.

INSA Director General Solomon Soka revealed that while cyber attacks on Ethiopian citizens, institutions, and infrastructure are rising alongside technology use, the country’s 24/7 cyber defense has enabled it to thwart 97.73 percent of attacks.