Dublin Weekend Travel Guide

Dublin Weekend Travel Guide

Are you looking forward to a quick getaway to Dublin? Look no further! Join me on a whirlwind weekend trip to the vibrant streets of Dublin, packed with affordable flights, hotel dramadelicious dining experiences and a dash of unexpected airport experiences.

Reserve your trip:
I opted for an affordable round-trip flight with EasyJet, keeping my travel costs in check. Tip: Morning flights tend to be cheaper, but if you’re not an early riser, consider the trade-off between cost and comfort.

Dublin Weekend Travel Guide

My friend used Booking.com to get a hotel, but my stay at the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel left a lot to be desired in terms of customer service. I recommend exploring other options for a more pleasant stay.

Exploring Dublin:
After checking in, in the evening we headed to Coffee on the Seine for an evening full of fun. However, the highlight of my food trip was the fantastic lunch experience at Joel Restaurant. Just remember that Dublin’s famous rain requires umbrellas and warm jackets, so come prepared!

unexpected encounters:
Lack of sleep the night before and a busy schedule led to some serious naps during my travels. But the real excitement unfolded at the airport on the way back. While waiting for my flight, a fellow traveler forgot his phone number. Acting quickly, I alerted staff at the nearby cafe, hoping to reunite the forgetful passenger with his device. While I never knew the outcome, it was a memorable moment in the midst of my Dublin adventures.

Unexpected connections:
Before I conclude, let me share some moving encounters I had in Dublin. I had the pleasure of meeting some lovely people, capturing memories in photographs and even stumbling upon some surprising connections.

During my time in Ukraine, I had a roommate who often spoke fondly of her sister, although I never had the opportunity to meet her. Imagine my surprise when, while attending church with a friend in Dublin, I saw none other than my roommate’s sister, someone I had only heard of and seen her photo at the beginning of college! medicine! Our reunion was full of laughter and warmth, and I couldn’t help but notice her glowing skin.

Another memorable encounter unfolded in a rather funny way. After church, my friend and I decided to take photos together. As I struggled to find someone to capture our moment, I approached a nearby lady for help. To my surprise, she and my friend recognized each other from their high school days and immediately hugged each other. While they reminisced and exchanged contact information, I stood by, amused by the unexpected reunion. Finally, the kind stranger became our photographer, capturing the joy of our impromptu reunion.

These chance encounters added an extra layer of magic to my Dublin experience, reminding me of the beauty of unexpected connections and the joy of shared moments. As I reflect on my weekend adventure, I am grateful for the memories made and the wonderful people I met along the way. Greetings to Dublin: a city full of surprises and touching encounters!

There you have it: my weekend travel guide to Dublin, complete with tips, stories and a dash of airport drama. Until next time, happy travels!

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