Christmas at Oprah’s mansion and happy family gatherings! Here’s how Mzansi celebs spent the holiday | Life

Christmas at Oprah’s mansion and happy family gatherings! Here’s how Mzansi celebs spent the holiday | Life

Nomzamo Mbatha spent her Christmas with Oprah Winfrey and her family.

Supplied/X formerly Twitter/@realnorma_kay

  • South African celebs celebrated Christmas in style.
  • They marked the special day with family photoshoots, sumptuous lunches and other festive activities.
  • Some served classic looks while others went for the traditional PJ-style look.
  • For more lifestyle news, go to the News24 Life front page.

They are busy throughout the year gigging and giving entertainment to their fans, but most South African celebs prioritise Christmas as a time to spend with family. 

Social media platforms were flooded with moments shared by these personalities who celebrated Christmas Day in various ways, from family lunches to lush photoshoots. 

Nomzamo Mbatha spent her Christmas with Oprah Winfrey and her family.

Taking to her social media, the South African actor and producer posted a snap of her and other guests at the soiree donning various shades of purple in celebration of the newly released film The Colour Purple.

Oprah also shared snippets of the celebrations, including a clip of her thanking and urging viewers to go out in their numbers to watch the production.

The film is set for a cinematic release in January 2024.

These celebs shared with News24 how they planned to spend their festive season:

Ms Cosmo, musician and TV personality

“This year, as I do every single year, I will be spending [Christmas] with my family. My family and I generally decide who is going to be hosting Christmas lunch at our respective houses,” the DJ said.

“This year we are going to my aunt’s house, whom we haven’t seen in a very long time, so I am quite excited about that. Christmas is usually the only time I get to see some of my cousins because we are all so busy throughout the year. That is what I love the most about Christmas and Christmas lunch, it brings us all together before we move into the new year.”

Nomuzi Mabena, musician

“My sister moved into a new house with her husband so we officially took over Christmas, which has been a bit of a culture shock for my family, but we love it. Everybody comes over to her house and she cooks. She is a chef, so the food is always amazing!

“She makes cute Christmas-themed treats for the kids, and I am in charge of decorating the house and the tables, and we watch Christmas movies. When the food is ready, we eat and hang out with the kids and just have fun. To be honest, it turns out into a lot of TikTok!

“We also celebrate with a lot of drinks and shots, and it’s just a fun day. For me, it’s always just Christmas at my sister’s house and the whole family comes over for good food, good drinks and good vibes.”

Kriya Gangiah, television and radio personality

This festive season, Kriya Gangiah is exploring new beginnings. The popular radio and television personality has been hard at work preparing for the official opening of her new business venture, Kri8tive Nails, which will be opening in Pretoria’s Brooklyn area.

“I am so excited to be opening Kri8tive Nails very soon,” Gangiah shared.

“Kri8tive Nails aims to be more than just a nail salon; it’s a space where individuals can embrace their unique style and indulge in a bit of artistic flair.

“I am excited to be spending the festive season with the family, in between all of the work. It’s a time for all of us to relax, enjoy each other’s company and reflect on the year that was.”

Carol Ofori, author and radio personality

For Carol Ofori, spending Christmas with family is extremely important – and this year, she reunited with her mom while spending the festive season at a resort in northern Kwazulu-Natal.

“I am so excited to be spending Christmas with my mom, my husband and my kids this year. We booked Christmas lunch at the venue we are staying at, which gives me a break from the festive cooking!”, she previously said. 

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Ofori added that this time of year is always special for her.

“I always spend Christmas with the family; there is always a meal and there are always gifts, specifically for the kids.”

After Christmas, she will be ringing in the New Year with her sister and her family in Drakensberg.

“It’s a pure KwaZulu-Natal festive season for me this year, and I am so excited to explore this beautiful province this December!”

Here are some snaps to give you a peek into how your faves spent Christmas:

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