Celtic fined over fans’ support for Palestine during Champions League match

Celtic fined over fans’ support for Palestine during Champions League match

UEFA has fined the Scottish club after its fans waved thousands of Palestinian flags during a game against Atletico Madrid last month.

Scotland’s Celtic Football Club was fined $19,000 following his decision Fans waved Palestinian flags during a Champions League match against Atletico Madrid last month, UEFA said.

The match, held at the club’s home stadium Celtic Park in Glasgow, saw thousands of fans waving the Palestinian flag and displaying banners supporting the people of Gaza during Israel’s war on the besieged Strip.

European football’s governing body called the flags “provocative messages of an offensive nature” in a statement on Wednesday.

Fans who had been warned by the Scottish club not to display flags ahead of the game on October 25 were heard singing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” as they watched the game in a widely shared video on social media holding Palestinian flags.

As kick-off approached, the stadium was transformed into a sea of ​​Palestinian flags, each stand dotted with the colors of Palestine in a sign of solidarity with those in Gaza under Israeli attack.

Supporters also unfurled two large banners at Celtic Park reading “Free Palestine” and “Victory to the Resistance”.

The main standard bearers were literal and figurative the Green Brigade – an “Ultras” group founded in 2006 known for its Irish republicanism and unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.

Fearing punishment, the club urged fans not to heed the Green Brigade’s call to show support for Palestine at the game and released a statement demanding “that there be no banners, flags and symbols at Celtic.” in connection with the conflict and the countries involved in it.” Park at this time.”

A few days before the game, Celtic banned the Green Brigade from all away games in an apparent warning to the group. After the appearance against Atletico Madrid, this ban was extended to all home games.

In a letter to fans, the club cited several reasons for the ban, including anti-social behavior, the use of pyrotechnics and, above all, “against Atletico Madrid, another unauthorized performance that violates the previously communicated restrictions.”

The club was also fined $12,550 for fans blocking passageways and using pyrotechnics.

Fans say support for Palestine will continue

For the Green Brigade there is little doubt that it was the demonstration of solidarity with Palestine that led to the ban on participation.

“The other problems are an excuse” The Green Brigade told Al Jazeera earlier this month.

“The club is very clever and cynical. They want to sanction us, they want to punish us. You want to send us a message to keep us informed and prevent us from taking further action.

“But they know very well that they are not on a firm footing on the Palestine issue as they do not have much support among the wider fan base on this issue. So they use other issues that they think have support to sanction us.”

The group said it was “unashamed and unequivocal about our support for Palestine” and insisted it would continue.

“And once again, the wider support of the Celtics showed that they too had the courage and conviction to stand and be counted. To stand on the right side of history and express support for the underdog, in this case the Palestinians.”

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