Building bridges of love: The art of communicating with mom for a joyful Mother’s Day | Life

Building bridges of love: The art of communicating with mom for a joyful Mother’s Day | Life

Make Mother’s Day meaningful this year with conversations of the heart. (Shine_ Photos/Unsplash)

  • Every year, Mother’s Day brings along with it a critical period to think about the kind of relationship you want with your mother or maternal figure.
  • While buying thoughtful gifts or expensive lunches is charming, fostering healthy communication with mom will lead to a healthier and lasting connection with her.
  • Relationship guru Shelley Lewin shares lasting advice for fostering a better relationship with your mom this Mother’s Day and beyond.

Mother’s Day is a time to reflect on the relationship you share with your mom and envision the nurturing connection you aspire to cultivate.

Beyond the charm of thoughtful gifts and celebratory meals lies the true essence of Mother’s Day – nurturing a healthy, open line of communication that promises a more profound and enduring connection.

An insightful perspective from relationship expert Shelley Lewin sheds light on the significance of this day as a starting point for enriching your relationship with your mother.

Lewin encourages a shift from the traditional exchange of gifts to a more meaningful engagement – a genuine heart-to-heart conversation at home.

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Lewin says: “This Mother’s Day, let’s prioritise genuine connection over material gestures. Sit down with your mom, engage in a real conversation, listen empathetically, and share your innermost thoughts and feelings. This simple yet profound act of communication can bring you closer than any gift ever could.”

She emphasises the importance of delving beyond the surface, encouraging conversations that explore dreams, fears and aspirations.

Lewin also says:

Mother’s Day is the ideal moment to engage in these deeper discussions, to truly understand and support each other beyond the everyday.

She outlines essential practices for fostering this deeper connection:

1. Active Listening:

Approach your mom with the full intention to listen – free from distractions, silencing any internal dialogues, and fully immersing yourself in her world.

2. Empathy:

Empathy is crucial. Try to see the world through her eyes, appreciate her perspective and understand her experiences. This empathetic stance can bridge gaps and foster a mutual understanding that transcends words.

Mother,mothers day,mental health

Spoil your mom with a listening ear this Mother’s Day. (Priscilla Dupreez/Unsplash)

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3. Authentic expression:

Be open and vulnerable, sharing your own experiences, fears and joys. This honesty invites your mom to reciprocate, creating a space for mutual trust and intimacy.

4. Consistency:

Cultivating a meaningful connection is not a one-off event but a continuous journey. Regular, heartfelt conversations should become a staple of your relationship, laying the foundation for a bond that strengthens with each passing day.

This Mother’s Day, let’s honour our mothers not just with gifts, but with the gift of true connection.

By embracing Lewin’s guidance, we can forge a more meaningful, lasting relationship with our moms, celebrating not just for a day, but nurturing this bond throughout our lives.

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