Biden won’t get our vote: Arab American News’ Osama Siblani

Biden won’t get our vote: Arab American News’ Osama Siblani

(NewsNation) – Osama Siblani, the editor of Arab American News, expressed deep dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden’s approach Israeli-Palestinian conflict in one (n “In balance“Interview raising concerns about Biden’s re-election chances in key swing states.

Biden faces numerous challenges as he navigates the delicate balance between supporting Israel and addressing the concerns of Arab Americans.

According to Axios, Biden won Michigan by 154,000 votes in the 2020 election. And census estimates put the state’s Arab American population at at least 278,000.

Biden won key states like Michigan, Arizona and Georgia by narrow margins in 2020, and the potential impact of the Arab-American vote on future elections is important.

Siblani, known for his role in the Arab American community, criticized Biden’s lack of leadership and called on him to take a more active role in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He called for a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem rather than exacerbating divisions.

“We want him to go to us and say, ‘What can I do to solve this problem?’ So we won’t have this problem again,” Siblani said.

Siblani criticized previous leaders, including Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, for their perceived failure to manage the conflict.

“Unless Biden turns into Jesus Christ and raises some Palestinians from the dead, we don’t support him.” Siblani told Axios.

Host Leland Vittert asked Siblani about the potential impact of Arab American voters turning away from Biden. Siblani acknowledged that the choice is limited Republican candidates However, hinted at a third option and suggested that withholding support for one of the major parties’ candidates could send a message.

“No vote for the top ticket,” Siblani said. “And if you don’t speak to the Arab American community and you don’t talk to them or you don’t address the issues that are troubling them, that comes at a cost.”

Vittert argued that Biden is evolving his tone toward Israel, which is committed to ending the war.

The president tweeted on Tuesday“Hamas launched a terrorist attack because it fears nothing more than that Israelis and Palestinians live side by side in peace.” Continuing the path of terror, violence, killing and war means giving Hamas what it is looking for .”

Siblani remained skeptical and emphasized the need for concrete measures rather than rhetorical changes.

Vittert raised the issue of Hamas, pointing to recent polls that showed 75% of Palestinians supported the October 7 attacks. Siblani refused to directly condemn Hamas, attributing its actions to the ongoing suffering of Palestinians and calling for a broader perspective on the historical context.

“I am not ready to reject Hamas for what it did on October 7th, because history does not begin on October 7th. It actually dates back to 1948. The suffering of the Palestinians has been going on for 75 years and no one has done anything about it. And Hamas is the product of suffering. I cannot condemn Hamas for what it has done. “I must condemn those people who have pushed the Palestinians to the point of no return,” Siblani said.

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