Biden invokes Ukraine’s fight against ‘tyrant’ in marking D-Day

Biden invokes Ukraine’s fight against ‘tyrant’ in marking D-Day

President Biden on Thursday commemorated the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, paying tribute to the courage of those who landed in Normandy during that time. At the same time, he praised Ukraine's fight against “a tyrant” and called on Americans to remember the value of international alliances at this delicate moment in world affairs.

Biden, speaking to dozens of surviving World War II veterans next to the U.S. cemetery in Normandy, France, sought to directly link the Allied victory 80 years ago to the modern significance of America's role as an international leader.

“What the allies accomplished together 80 years ago far exceeded anything we could have accomplished alone,” Biden said. “It was a powerful example of how alliances, real alliances, make us stronger. A lesson I pray we Americans will never forget.”

“Isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago and it is not the answer today,” Biden said, subtly interrupting former President Trump's “America First” agenda, which the president staunchly opposes.

He pointed to NATO's crucial role and called on Ukraine to fight against “a tyrant bent on domination.” Biden reiterated that the US and its allies will not withdraw from Ukraine in the face of war with Russia and warned that Ukraine's neighbours and other countries in Europe would be in danger if they did so.

“The struggle between dictatorship and freedom is endless,” he said. “Surrendering to tyrants, bowing to dictators, is simply unthinkable. If we did that, we would forget what happened here on these sacred beaches.”

“Now we must ask ourselves, will we stand against tyranny, against evil, against crushing brutality, against the iron fist? We stand for freedom and we defend democracy. We stand together. My answer is yes and can only be yes,” Biden added.

To applause from the crowd, he called NATO the “largest military alliance in history.” He said NATO was “more united than ever.”

The D-Day landings, the largest amphibious invasion in history, helped turn the tide of the Second World War.

Many of the World War II veterans are over 100 years old, and about 150 Americans who took part in the Battle of Normandy, including 24 D-Day veterans, were scheduled to travel to France for the ceremonies.

Biden called it “the highest honor to greet you here in Normandy” and turned to the veterans sitting behind him to say, “God loves you.”

“From the sea and the air, nearly 160,000 Allied soldiers invaded Normandy. Many, it is clear, never returned home. Many survived that longest day and fought on for months until victory was finally achieved. And some remarkable brothers are here with us today.”

He called on some of the veterans, including one who gave fire support to the rangers as they climbed the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc and another who protected the infantry from the German Luftwaffe. He also called on Ben Miller, who was in the crowd and had survived a plane crash as a medic in which the wings were torn off.

“Their stories have always been America's stories. Just walk down the rows of the cemetery as I did,” Biden said.

Biden entered the ceremony alongside French President Emmanuel Macron, First Lady Jill Biden and French First Lady Brigitte Macron. They all walked on a blue carpet past American and French flags and groups of military personnel. US aircraft from World War II flew over the stage and then both national anthems were played.

Biden walked past the veterans to take his place. Macron then gave his speech and presented medals to several veterans.

Macron spent a moment with each veteran while Biden shook their hands and spoke with them for a few seconds.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin paid tribute to the veterans, saying they had “laid the foundation for a more just, free and decent world” and “turned war into peace.”

Before the ceremony, Biden said met with 41 veteransof whom 31 were present on D-Day, and told them that they were the “greatest generation” and had “saved the world”.

The president will also deliver a speech at Pointe du Hoc on Friday, focusing on preserving democracy. He will conclude his visit on Sunday with a visit to the same cemetery that Trump was unable to visit in 2018 due to the weather, and According to reports, Those buried there are called “losers” and “morons” – comments that Biden repeatedly used to attack his predecessor.

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