Belcrest Schools Elects New Student Leaders for 2023.

Belcrest Schools, a neighborhood school serving the Durumi 3 district and its environs in Abuja is proud to announce the successful conclusion of its student elections for the year 2023. Under the visionary leadership of the Proprietress Mrs. Joy Offor, the school took a momentous step forward, ushering in a new era of student governance. Mrs. Offor noted that  the introduction of a democratic process was designed to help instill a sense of ownership and responsibility among the student body and foster a culture that prioritizes integrity and inclusivity.

Fourteen (14) students from the primary school were elected into various leadership positions. The newly elected student leaders include the Head Boy, Head Girl, Social Prefect, Health Prefect, Chapel Prefect, Games Prefect, and the School Time Keeper.

Announcing the results, Head Teacher of the school, Mrs. Nneka Ishiwu, encouraged the new Prefects to lead by example and uphold the values of responsibility, fairness, and integrity. She stressed that any Prefect who failed to live up to expectations would be disqualified and replaced. 

Belcrest Schools provides a comprehensive educational experience, offering classes from Creche to Nursery, Primary, and through to Secondary levels. The institution is dedicated to nurturing students at every stage of their academic journey, ensuring a seamless and enriching learning experience from early childhood to adolescence.
