A Personal Journey Through OCD: Sharing Inside My Obsessive Mind

A Personal Journey Through OCD: Sharing Inside My Obsessive Mind

I am currently battling OCD. I am on a journey to heal and recover, but I want to share my mind with you so you can see through the eyes of a person who suffers from OCD.

I define obsessive-compulsive disorder as being captive to your own thoughts. You’re imprisoned by your own thoughts and can you guess who the warden is? You!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) It is a mental health disorder characterized by repetitive actions that seem impossible to stop. What this means is that you keep doing things over and over again to perfect them even when they are already perfect. There are different stages of obsessive-compulsive disorder and people who struggle with OCD face trauma that emanates from different levels and aspects of their lives.

I suffer from this disorder and it has been a struggle with many things. I believe that as I start sharing and seeking help, I will be on the road to recovery. I know this doesn’t happen overnight, but if you know someone with OCD, know that these are their struggles.

The mind of an OCD patient

Growing up, I always wanted my own room. I wanted my space to be clean, tidy and just how I imagined it in my mind. What I can vividly remember when I started using hand sanitizers was when my mom’s friend brought a mini pocket hand sanitizer to my house and told my mom about this pocket sanitizer, which a seller was advertising at her grocery store. work, and how important it is to always carry hand sanitizer with you. She also told my mom that she could eat without washing her hands if there were no resources available at that time to wash her hands; that in that case she could use the disinfectant instead of water; and that it was safe. She was standing at the door with my mom and, to me, that was a very good product. I was still growing up, but I don’t remember how old I was when this happened.

I had mild OCD growing up and during my secondary education at a boarding school, I couldn’t stand a lot of things. I was easily irritated and always organized my closet over and over again.

Upon arriving in Ukraine I lived alone most of the time, but my OCD gradually worsened over time. When the coronavirus outbreak was announced, it advanced even further. I was terrified and bought all the recommended products to kill germs and bacteria. I didn’t go out during the quarantine. I obeyed every COVID-19 rule, but the bad side of this was that my OCD got worse, and I think even down the line, a lot of people developed OCD.

As a person who suffers from OCD, my brain continues to function 24/7. I get stressed easily and can’t help but make sure everything is the way I want it to be.

For me, OCD happens this way.

It’s not just about what the people around me see. It’s a struggle to resist the urge to wash, clean, and rearrange a place over and over again. My brain is never at rest when I’m awake. I keep imagining worst-case scenarios of how I could become infected with bacteria. People around me sometimes don’t understand. It affects my mood and I just want everyone to know that people with severe OCD have difficulties and need to be treated well.

I cry when it seems like the people around me don’t understand me. I can’t stand seeing sharp objects around me for fear that they’ll cut me and I’ll think they’ll infect me. I’m afraid of broken tiles and rough walls. It’s crazy around here, I’m telling you.

If you know someone who suffers from this condition, be kind to them and encourage them, and a good tip to help them is to stop wasting what you have organized or implemented. Be clean and tidy around you, and avoid things that cause triggers, because this will help you go a long time without having to fix or do something about repetitive actions. When the brain is less exposed to activities that make you do things with prolonged absences, you tend to gradually forget these activities. I call it the “tapering” method of recovery from OCD.

There are things I don’t do as a person who suffers from OCD. In the last few years, I have only had four visitors at my house, three friends and the owner of the house. His visit was not regular because I felt that having people in my house increased my exposure to germs. I’m not comfortable giving handshakes; I give side hugs; I don’t touch handles or rails. I don’t use public bathrooms, etc. I scare easily and when I touch something that is not clean I get terrified and feel very uncomfortable. I can’t concentrate anymore until I wash my hands. I often have vaginal imbalance due to excessive washing, which results in changes in the pH and natural microflora present in the vagina.

Many times I am afraid to use the bathroom in my house, no matter how clean it is. I have many restrictions that I know I can free myself from, but the more I try, the less it works because my imagination keeps screaming at me and sometimes I find it difficult to express myself. Sometimes it makes me anxious and unhappy and sometimes I keep going in circles as a result of this.

This also contributed to my clay addiction (nzu) because I wanted to have a feeling of dryness around me, which translated into cleanliness and a germ-free environment, so I always burned paper to produce a dry fire smell, and this triggered my desire to eat clay. I also developed an eating disorder, which is now back to normal: generalized anxiety, which is triggered when I come into contact with something irritating; and sometimes I treasure things. I like to stay in an empty room.

Sometimes life can be selfish and it’s all up to me, which I know is wrong, but how can I help myself?

Please note that this can affect men, women and children. You must be careful not to unintentionally spread this disorder in children and help them as soon as you notice it.

Obsessive disorder may be related to a family history of the disorder, caused by differences in the brain, life events such as being bullied, abused, or ignored, and personality traits such as being orderly, methodical, and having high standards.

The main signs of OCD are:

Obsessions: A persistent, unwanted and often disturbing idea, image or impulse invades your head. Emotions: Obsession results in a strong feeling of anxiety or anguish.

Compulsive: Repetitive actions or thoughts that a person with OCD feels driven to perform due to anxiety and pain caused by the obsession.

Although I need to take a practical step to see a therapist, I did some research on how OCD can be treated and this is what I have to share.

There are two main treatments recommended by the NHS, which are:

Psychological therapy. This is a type of therapy that helps you confront your fears and unwanted thoughts without having to resort to compulsions to “fix” them. It is necessary to consult a general practitioner or therapist.

Antidepressant medications may be prescribed to help adjust the chemical balance in the brain.

These medications have side effects.

You can also join OCD support groups in your area run by national charities such as OCD ActionOCD-UK and TOP UK.

Today I urge you to see through the eyes, racing brains, and fighting minds of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and help someone by sharing this article and being kind. This condition can cause people to become suicide. Be kind and don’t judge them because they are constantly fighting a battle that sometimes you don’t see.

I shared this article on 10/14/2022 at 8:30 pm, but I decided to share it again because I want to share my progress with all of you.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Have a nice day.

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